Creating service codes - HxGN EAM - 12.0.1 - Help - Hexagon


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Service problem codes identify requests, concerns, or problems that customers frequently experience. Create service problem codes that are specific to your customer needs. With any call type your employee can enter a specific service problem code to provide reporting on frequency of that type of call. The service problem code may also contain all the information needed to create a work order.

To create service problem codes:

  1. Select Operations > Setup > Service Codes.

  2. Click New Record.

  3. Specify this information:

    Organization - Specify the organization to which the service problem code belongs if you use multi-organization security.

    Service Code - Specify a unique code identifying the service problem, and then enter a description of the service problem code in the adjacent field.

    Class - Specify the class with which to associate the service problem code.

    Equipment - Specify the equipment to associate with the service problem code.

    Equipment can also be selected on the Call Center form or GIS map when processing an action request.

    Temporary Fix Turnaround - Specify the amount of time it will take for the problem to be fixed temporarily by entering in an amount, and then select the unit of time.

    Permanent Fix Turnaround - Specify the amount of time it will take for the problem to be fixed permanently by entering in an amount, and then select the unit of time.

    Temporary Fix Turnaround and Permanent Fix Turnaround are used to calculate promise dates on the Call Center form when Service Code is selected.

    Service Request Portal - Select this check box to include the service code in the Service Request Portal field when creating a service request.

    Available for CUs - Select this check box to indicate that this service code is available for compatible units.

    Equipment Usability - Specify the code identifying the equipment's usability.

    Equipment Usability is used in penalty reports when penalty amounts depend upon equipment usability.

    Penalty Factor - Specify the penalty factor with which to associate the service problem code.

    Out of Service - Select if the service problem code is not used.

    For Follow-up - Select this check box to designate the service code as a follow-up service code.

    To prevent repeated references, service codes designated for follow-up cannot have follow-up details themselves. Therefore, Follow-up Service Code and Follow-up Timing are protected when For Follow-up is selected..

    Follow-up Service Code - Specify the service code that is used to create the follow-up work order.

    Follow-up Timing - Specify when the follow-up work order will be created.

    WO Type - Select a type of work order to create for the service problem code.

    Standard WO - Specify the standard work order with which to associate the service problem code.

    WO Class - Specify the work order class with which to associate the service problem code.

    Priority - Select the priority for work orders created from this service problem code.

  4. Click Save Record.