Configure prompted attributes on load jobs - HxGN SDx - Update 64 - Administration & Configuration

Administration and Configuration of HxGN SDx

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Administration & Configuration
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

Data Validator allows you to enter prompted attribute or property values when creating a load job, and map them to the required properties in the target system using prompted computed columns.To support this feature in the Web Client, you configure fixed or dynamic display items in sections and display them on the load job form. You can then enter the property values in the display items when creating load jobs using the Load Manager feature set in the Web Client.

For example, you can configure the description of a pipe or nozzle as a property value that must be specified when creating a load job in the Load Manager. The GetJobDetails prompted computed column API can be used to pick up the property value from the load job form and map this description to the long description property of the pipe or nozzle in the import definition.

Expose properties as fixed display items

If you want to expose the property as a fixed display item in the load job forms for all classifications, you must create the following items:

  • A new property definition.

  • A new interface definition related to the Loader classification to expose the property to be displayed in the load job form.

    For more information on creating property and interface definitions, see Extend the existing stand-alone SDx schema.

  • A new section related to the SDALoader-form so that the new property is displayed on the load jobs for all classifications. For more information, see Configure display items and forms.

  • A new computed column in the Data Validator import definition which uses the GetJobDetails function. This allows the property to be picked up and mapped to the required property in the import definition. For more information on using computed columns, see Computed column functions.

After creating these items, you can view the newly generated section in the load job form by navigating to the Load Manager feature set in the Web Client.

Expose properties as dynamic display items

If you want to expose the property selectively, as a dynamic display item in the load jobs for applicable classifications, you must create the following items:

  • A new load job form related to the applicable sub-classification unless a form already exists. The form, however, must contain the ISPFDisplayOverride section, which is required to dynamically display the required column sets on the load job form. For more information on generating forms, see Generate a form from a class definition.

  • A new interface related to the Loader classification to expose the required properties to be displayed in the load job form. For more information on creating interfaces, see Extend the existing stand-alone SDx schema.

  • A new column set and column items for the required properties to display on the load job form. For more information, see Configure column sets.

  • A new job details object related to the new sub-classification. For more information on creating a job details object, see Create a new job details object.

  • A new computed column in the Data Validator import definition which uses the GetJobDetails function. This allows the property to be picked up and mapped to the required property in the import definition. For more information on using computed columns, see Computed column functions.

After creating these items, you can view the newly generated section with the new display items in the load job form by navigating to the Load Manager feature set in the Web Client.