Edit the pattern for a tag part - HxGN SDx - Update 64 - Administration & Configuration

Administration and Configuration of HxGN SDx

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Administration & Configuration
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

The Set Part command allows you to change the sequence of characters that forms a search pattern for each tag part.

  1. In the Create Master Tag Pattern page, select a tag part for which you want to update the sequence of characters or the search pattern.

  2. Click Set Part to open the Options section where you can make changes to the tag part pattern.

  3. In the Options section, select Full String or Pattern from the Set By list. Depending upon the selection made here, the options change in the next pane.

    • Select the Full String option from the Set By list to represent each of the existing characters in the file part as a variable or a constant.

      • Character Range - Select a character range set from the list to define characters from the selected set in the pattern. The character range set that is set as default in the Character Range page of the Central Settings module is displayed by default in the list.

      • Variable - The characters in the string are set to a variable. Additionally, characters can be designated as an uppercase letter, lowercase letter, or a number.

      • Constant - The characters in the string are set to a constant value.

    • Select the Pattern option from the Set By list to build a specific pattern for the selected tag part.

      • Character Range - Select a character range set from the list to define characters from the selected set in the pattern. The character range set that is set as default in the Character Range page of the Central Settings module is displayed by default in the list.

      The uppercase, lowercase, and number options are available depending upon the character range set for the selected language in the Character Ranges page of the Central Settings module.

  4. Click Accept Changes .

    SHARED Tip If you want to abandon your changes, click Reject Changes .

The characters set to Pattern are displayed in a simple representation on the tag part. When the cursor pauses over the tag part, the specific pattern is displayed.

  • The regular expression corresponding to each character in the simple representation is as follows:

    • A - Any uppercase letter

    • a - Any lowercase letter

    • # - Any digit from zero to nine

  • If you define a character to be either a letter or a number, then the character is displayed as a lowercase or uppercase letter depending upon the selection of lowercase or uppercase for letter.

  • The constant value in the tag parts is displayed in bold.

  • New parts can use defined patterns, but only when the pattern is defined using the Set Part option.

Edit the pattern for a tag part using regular expressions

  1. Select a tag part for which you want to update the sequence of characters or the search pattern.

  2. Click Set Part to open the Options section where you can make changes to the tag part pattern.

  3. In the Options section, select Full String or Pattern from the Set By list. Depending upon the selection made here, the options change in the next pane.

    • Select the Full String option from the Set By list to represent each of the existing characters in the file part as a variable or a constant.

      • Variable - The characters in the string are set to a variable. Additionally, characters can be designated as an uppercase letter, lowercase letter, or a number.

      • Constant - The characters in the string are set to a constant value.

    • Select the Regular Expression option from the Set By list to build a specific regular expression for the selected tag part.

      • The following table displays the regular expression corresponding to each character. When you click any of the buttons mentioned in the table, the Find Only box displays the corresponding regular expression. For example, if you click the button, \p{Lu} is displayed in the Find Only box.







        Uppercase letters


        Lowercase letters


        A letter or ideograph that does not have lowercase and uppercase variants, for example, あ


        Any character any number of times except whitespace characters

      • You must enter an example tag part in the Example box. The example must match the pattern configured in the Find Only box.

  4. Click Accept Changes .

    SHARED Tip If you want to abandon your changes, click Reject Changes .