Update an API Entry Point - HxGN SDx - Update 64 - Administration & Configuration

Administration and Configuration of HxGN SDx

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Administration & Configuration
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version
  1. Select an existing API Entry Point to update, and select Actions > Update.

    You can only update an API Entry Point that has been created by your administrator.

  2. Update the API Entry Point in the API Entry Point details section.

    • Select the Redirect To Search Bar option in the API Entry Point details section so that the API Entry Point type appears in the search bar menu.

    • Relate the API Entry Point to a feature set using the Relationship Builder so that it appears as a function tile. For more information, see Configure API Entry Point relationships.

    • Select Equal To Operator set by default to change the default search operator behavior to the 'Is equal to' Operator in the search bar.

    The default behavior of the API Entry Point search is to use the Contains operator. By changing the default search operator to Is equal to, you can produce more targeted searches and help improve search performance. For example, if you leave Contains as the default operator, a search returns all data that contains your search criteria. However, setting Is equal to as your default operator allows you to narrow the results to set of data that is an exact match to your search criteria.

  3. In the Update dialog, find the Entry point for APIs UI details section:

    • Select Hide API entry point from list in the UI to hide the API Entry Point type from displaying in the search menu.

    • Select Hide from Home Page to hide the API Entry Point function from display in a feature set.

    • Select Home Page Group, and enter the name of a sub-group in which you want to display the API Entry Point function.

    • Select Number of characters for peek search request, and enter a value to increase the character limit before a peek search is invoked. The default is three.

    SHARED Tip The sub-group names are managed in the Home Page Group column in the Manage Entry Points dialog box. For more information, see Configure API Entry Points to display as functions in a feature set.

To completely remove an API Entry Point from the display, it must be terminated. If you only remove the relationships between an API Entry Point and any access groups, the API Entry Point will then be displayed to all users.