Create a new ENS item - HxGN SDx - Update 64 - Administration & Configuration

Administration and Configuration of HxGN SDx

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Administration & Configuration
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version
  1. In the Manage Engineering Numbering System dialog box, click Create.

    This dialog box appears when you click Finish in the New ENS Definition dialog box. You can also access this dialog box by right-clicking an ENS definition and clicking Manage ENS Items.

  2. Type a required Name, optional Description, and in the New ENS Item dialog box, select an ENS Type to associate with the ENS Definition.

    An ENS item can be one of the following types:

    • Constant - specifies a text value.

    • Environment - specifies an environment value.

    • Function - used for automatic sequence numbers.

      Only numbers are supported as pad characters for sequence type ENS items.

    • Property - specifies a property definition.

    • Related Item - specifies a relationship definition. If identifying a relationship definition, the name must be preceded by either + or -, which indicates the direction to traverse the related item definition.

    Most of the options available for defining an ENS item are dependent on the ENS type you have chosen for the item. See ENS item types for more information about the options available for each ENS type.

  3. Click Finish.

See Also

ENS item types
Configure the Engineering Numbering System (ENS)
Manage the Engineering Numbering System