WebGL file conversion fails - HxGN SDx - Update 64 - Administration & Configuration

Administration and Configuration of HxGN SDx

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Administration & Configuration
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version


You get the following error when converting WebGL files:

Failed to convert the model - Failed to convert the file.;For further details please check in the log on File Server at C:\Windows\TEMP\xyz.log


You might encounter this problem when the WebGL file conversion time in the file service is longer than the default timeout.


  • Ensure the MaxProcesses value is equal to or greater than the aggregate number of logical processors.

    The MaxWorkerProcess value can be 0 to 20 for 32-bit systems and 0 to 512 for 64-bit systems.

  • If the MaxProcesses value is set to zero, IIS automatically adjusts the number of worker processes based on the system load.

  • Increase the value of the WebGLConversion.Timeout property under the File Service node in the Server Manager as required.

  • Update the relevant timeout values in the Site Settings node and the File Service Settings node properties in the Server Manager. For more information, see Configure timeout and other settings for exporting large data sets and Cannot upload a large file near 2GB limit.