Manage user role assignments - HxGN SDx - Update 64 - Administration & Configuration

Administration and Configuration of HxGN SDx

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Administration & Configuration
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

This functionality was modified in an update. For more information, see Manage user role assignments (modified in an update).

Hexagon University Icon eLearning is available for this topic. Check it out here: HxGN SDx® | Administration | User roles

Role assignments link the user to a role in a given configuration, such as an Engineer in Plant A. For more information about setting up security for your users, see Configure security.

Role assignments are managed in the User Management page.


To display


The list of configurations on the left and a matrix of users against roles. When you select a configuration, you can see the users assigned to roles within that configuration.


The list of roles on the left and a matrix of users against configurations. When you select a role, you can see which users are assigned to which configurations for that role.


The list of users on the left and a matrix of roles against configurations. When you select a user, you can see the role assignments for that user.

  • You need to have the Business Administrator or SDx Administrator role to manage user role assignments.

  • You can also create users in the User tab, see Create a new user.

  • You can create new roles using the create role functionality, see Create a role.

What do the buttons on the User Management page do?


Select this to


Select one check box at a time.


Select all check boxes in a row when any check box in the row is selected or deselected.


Select all check boxes in a column when any check box in the column is selected or deselected. It also changes all the security codes in a column when any security code changes are made.


Enable Inherit mode.


Enable Copy mode. For more information on copying role assignments, see Copy role assignments to another user.


Show the configuration top level.


Order the list with new items at the top.