Conditional data access - HxGN SDx - Update 64 - Administration & Configuration

Administration and Configuration of HxGN SDx

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Administration & Configuration
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

This model can be used to control query access to objects. This query filtering is applied centrally, so the filtering is applied any way the user tries to access those objects, including query, quick find, relationship expansion, FTR, and custom code. To restrict a user's access to a class of object, the access group is related to the class definition and a condition applied.

This conditional data access is evaluated centrally on all objects returned from any query.

  • This may slow down query performance.

  • There are specific query filters available on the Query and Quick Find methods and edge expansion that apply the filter as additional SQL as the database is queried and as a result is much faster. This is also detailed in the next section.

  • The query filter condition is only supported in the Desktop Client.