Outgoing Transmittal workflow - HxGN SDx - Update 64 - Administration & Configuration

Administration and Configuration of HxGN SDx

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Administration & Configuration
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

A company user can send a transmittal to a user who does not have access to the SDx system by selecting the Offline option while creating the transmittal.

The following information describes the outgoing transmittal workflow template (SCLBTransmittalLifeCycle). It explains what can and cannot be changed.

Process configuration

The following are applicable for offline transmittals:

  • To know how the response days are calculated, see How is the transmittal due date calculated? in Working with transmittals.

  • The Reshare Transmittal command is visible only when the Offline flag is set to True and the status of the transmittal is COMPLETED.

    • The system extends the validity of the link to download the zip file if the link expired. The expiry date is extended based on the File share default expiry days value provided in System Options or File share expiry days value provided in the ExportTransmittalStructure method.

    • The system generates a new link if the zip file does not exist.

Details of internal process steps

If the system fails to generate and attach any of the PDF renditions, it directs the workflow to the Correct failure step.

What does the workflow look like?

The steps that make up the workflow are described in the following table.

If you choose to edit the workflow, do not remove any steps marked as mandatory.

SHARED Tip For information on how to upgrade a workflow template, and the changes that have been made in various updates, see Upgrading workflow templates.

Step name




Branch based on completion of transmittal preparation

Routes the workflow to the

  • Prepare content and assign recipients step on click of SAVE AS DRAFT in the New Transmittal window.

  • Validate transmittal has documents step on click of FINISH in the New Transmittal window.


Prepare content and assign recipients

Allows the creator to relate documents to the transmittal and assign the recipients.

The next step is Validate transmittal has documents.


Validate transmittal has documents

Checks whether at least one document is attached to the transmittal. If yes, routes the workflow to the Branch based on offline transmittal step. Otherwise, routes the workflow to the Update missing information step.


This step is needed to ensure the transmittal has at least one document to share.

Branch based on offline transmittal

Checks whether the transmittal is offline or online. If it is an online transmittal, routes the workflow to the Validate ToUser or ToRole step. If it is an offline transmittal, routes the workflow to the Validate transmittal documents step.


Validate ToUser or ToRole

Checks if the To user or To role has been selected.

If selected, the next step is Validate FromUser and ToUser are not same.

If not selected, routes to the Update missing information step.


This step is needed to ensure the transmittal has a recipient.

Validate FromUser and ToUser are not same

Checks if the From user and To user are the same. If they are different, routes to the Validate documents' and target organization step. If they are the same, then routes to the Update missing information step.


This step is needed to ensure the transmittal has a recipient.

Validate documents' and target organization

Checks if the collaborating or originating organization of the document related to the transmittal is the same as the target organization of the transmittal. If they are the same, routes the workflow to the Update missing information step. If they are different, routes the workflow to the Validate transmittal documents step.


This step is needed as, otherwise, the organization will not have access to the transmitted documents.

This does not apply for Offline transmittals.

Validate transmittal documents

Checks whether the documents attached to the transmittal are signed off.

If yes, routes the workflow to the Generate PDF Renditions step.

If no, routes the workflow to the Update missing information step.


Generate PDF Renditions

Generates a PDF rendition of the files attached to a document.

If the rendition generation is successful, the next step is Set issued state ISSUED.

If generating the PDF or attaching it to the renditions fails, routes to the Correct failure step.


Set issued state ISSUED

Changes the status of the transmittal object to ISSUED.

If this step is removed, the transmittal object status will not be modified.

The next step is Set issued date.


Set issued date

Sets the issued date on the transmittal object.

The next step is Check Due Date.


Check Due Date

Checks if the due date is provided in the form. If accepted, the next step is Run and attach report. If rejected, the next step is Set due date from contract.


Set due date from contract

Sets the due date on the transmittal object, as mentioned in the contract.

The next step is Run and attach report.


Run and attach report

Runs the configured report to generate and attach the transmittal cover letter.

The next step is Branch based on offline transmittal to perform compress file.


Branch based on offline transmittal to perform compress file

Checks if the transmittal is online or offline type. If online, routes the workflow to the Check for from cc users step. If offline, routes the workflow to the Export and compress transmittal file for from users step.


Check for from cc users

Checks if From CC users are mentioned. If yes, routes the workflow to the Propagate recipient from cc users step. Otherwise, routes the workflow to the Check for to cc users step.


Propagate recipient from cc users

Identifies the users mentioned in the From CC User box to issue a notification to.

The next step is Transmittal issue notification.


Transmittal issue notification

Informs the user that a transmittal has been issued. This is an notification step.

The next step is Check for to cc users.


Check for to cc users

Checks if To CC users are mentioned. If yes, routes the workflow to the Propagate recipient to cc users step. Otherwise, routes the workflow to the Propagate recipient to user/to role step.


Propagate recipient to cc users

Identifies the users mentioned in the To CC User box to issue a notification to.

The next step is Transmittal receipt notification.


Transmittal receipt notification

Informs the user that a transmittal has been received. This is a notification step.

The next step is Propagate recipient to user/to role.


Propagate recipient to user/to role

Identifies the users mentioned in the To user and To role boxes to send a task to.

The next step is Transmittal issued.


Export and compress transmittal file for from users

Exports and compresses the file for From user and From CC User. The next step is Export and compress transmittal file for to users.

If there is no From user or From CC User, routes the workflow to the Re-set issue state to RESERVED step.


Export and compress transmittal file for to users

Exports and compresses the file for To user and To CC User. The next step is Set transmittal state to COMPLETED.

If there is no To user or To CC User, routes the workflow to the Re-set issue state to RESERVED step.


Transmittal issued

Allows the user to accept or reject the transmittal. If accepted, the next step is Set transmittal state to COMPLETED. If rejected, the next step is Set issue state to REJECTED.

The user also has the option to cancel the transmittal. It is then attached to a different workflow, SCLBCancelledTansmittalLifeCycle.


This step is needed as, otherwise, the recipient will not be able to download the transmittal contents.

Set issue state to REJECTED

Changes the status of the transmittal object to REJECTED.

If this step is removed, the transmittal object status will not be modified.

The next step is Set rejection date.


Set rejection date

Sets the rejected date on the transmittal object.

The next step is Set rejection user.


Set rejection user

Sets the rejected user on the transmittal object.

The next step is Transmittal Rejected.


Transmittal Rejected

Allow the user to rework the transmittal.

This step is not available if you selected the Offline option while creating the transmittal.

The next step is Prepare content and assign recipients.


This step is needed as, otherwise, the recipient would not be able to rework the transmittal.

Set transmittal state to COMPLETED

Changes the status of the transmittal object to COMPLETED.

If this step is removed, the transmittal object status will not be modified.

The next step is Set completed date.


Set completed date

Sets the completed date on the transmittal object.

The next step is Run and attach report for completion.


Run and attach report for completion

Runs the configured report to generate and attach the transmittal cover letter.

The next step is Transmittal Completed.


Transmittal Completed

Informs the user that the transmittal is complete. This is a notification step.

This is the last step in the workflow.


Re-set issue state to RESERVED

Sets the status of the transmittal object to RESERVED.

The next step is Wrong/Invalid Email address.


Wrong/Invalid Email address

Allows the creator of the transmittal to update the recipient's email address.

The next step is Set issue state ISSUED.


This step is needed, as otherwise, the email address cannot be updated, and the documents cannot be shared with the target organization.

Update missing information

Allows the creator of the transmittal to either correct the information provided or prevent from sending an empty transmittal (without any documents).

The next step is Validate transmittal has documents.


This step is needed, as otherwise, the missing information cannot be provided, and the documents cannot be shared with the target organization.

Correct failure

Allows the user to fix the errors that caused the rendition failure and resubmit the query.

The next step is Generate PDF Renditions.


This step is needed, as otherwise, the rendition failure cannot be fixed and the documents cannot be shared with the target organization.