Excel Report template configuration - HxGN SDx - Update 64 - Administration & Configuration

Administration and Configuration of HxGN SDx

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Administration & Configuration
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

Excel templates are used by ad-hoc reports and the Export (Select Template) command. The following procedures explain how to create and import them.

Create this template from Configuration Top so that it can be used by all plants in the site; otherwise you can only use the template with the plant under which it was created. To change the scope to Configuration Top, select Scope Not Set in the Create scope section of the Set Active Scope dialog box. For more information, see Set the active configuration by role.

There are two ways to create an Excel template:

  • Provide an Excel document that did not originate from the Desktop Client.

  • Create an Excel file by exporting data from the Desktop Client.

Before attaching an Excel document to the template, make sure the document is formatted to your specifications. Excel templates are compatible with ad-hoc reports and the Export (Select Template) command.

When creating an Excel template, verify the column order matches either the column order in the Edit Report Definition dialog box that you use to configure your report or the column set used to display data in the list view window. For example, if the list view contains the columns (from left to right) Name, Description, Revision, Version, and Class, the software exports the data in that order. If the Excel template does not match the software, the template columns and exported columns will not match.

SHARED Tip If you have already created an Excel file to use as your template, skip to Load the template file into the Desktop Client.