Sometimes, non-Hexagon files cannot be viewed or printed. Files that open and print at one time will not do so at other times. The problem might be temporarily corrected by stopping and restarting services.
This problem can be caused by several environment-specific issues. However, a common cause is conflict with anti-virus software installed on the SmartPlant Markup Plus server.
OpenText™ does not support running the Brava! Job Processor service on a machine that is also running anti-virus software, because it can prevent the Brava! Job Processor service from accessing some of the folders.
If you are using a version prior to SmartPlant Markup Plus 2019 Service Pack 1, the
job processor service is called Blazon Job Processor.
For more information, see the OpenText® Brava® Enterprise Administration Guide delivered to [installation location]\SmartPlant\Markup\Brava! Enterprise.
Do not run anti-virus software on the SmartPlant Markup Plus server. Otherwise, if anti-virus software must run on the server, modify its configuration to prevent conflicts.
Some of the following steps might have already been completed to solve problems with
viewing or printing non-Hexagon files in a web browser.
Log on to the SmartPlant Markup Plus server as an administrator.
Exclude the following folders from virus scanning:
%systemdrive%\Documents And Settings\[user]\Local Settings\%Temp% or %systemdrive%\Users\[JPUSER]\Local Settings\Temp, where JPUSER is the user account being used to run the Brava! Job Processor service.
If you are using a version prior to SmartPlant Markup Plus 2019 Service Pack 1, the job processor service is called Blazon Job Processor.
[installation location]\SmartPlant\Markup\Brava! Enterprise\JobProcessor
If you are using a version prior to SmartPlant Markup Plus 2019 Service Pack 1, the folder is: [installation location]\SmartPlant\Markup\Blazon\Blazon Enterprise\JobProcessor.
Reconfigure the output folder for the CSF Writer printer:
Modify the default output folder to allow write permissions.
Exclude the default output folder from virus scanning.
The output folder for the CSF Writer printer is set on the Filename Generation tab of the Properties dialog box for the printer.