The following applies if you are using a version of the software before Update 34. For the latest information, see Configure viewing of Hexagon drawings or models.
If there were already Hexagon 2D or 3D files published to or stored in the database before you configured the software, you must manually generate the WebGL viewer files for those files. You can generate in batch using the Create Renditions in Batch command. For more information, see CreateRenditionsInBatch client API and Create and view batch renditions. Otherwise, you can skip these steps and continue with Configure client computers to display WebGL viewer files (retired).
After you enable the Auto generate WebGL viewer files option, WebGL viewer files will be automatically generated anytime Hexagon 2D or 3D files are published to or stored in the database. For more information, see Enable automatic generation of WebGL viewer files for Hexagon 2D and 3D files (retired).
To manually generate WebGL viewer files from Hexagon 2D and 3D files, you must configure the CreateRenditionsInBatch method to generate the correct WebGL viewer files, then use the Create Renditions In Batch command to generate the WebGL viewer files.
For more information, see CreateRenditionsInBatch client API and Create and view batch renditions.
The process is similar for both Hexagon 2D and 3D files. For instructions, see:
Manually generate WebGL viewer files for Hexagon 2D files already in the database (retired)
Manually generate WebGL viewer files for Hexagon 3D files already in the database (retired)
If you want to re-generate WebGL viewer files in batch which are generated by a specific version of Smart Interop Publisher, see Regenerate WebGL viewer files in batch (retired).