Non-Hexagon files will not open and a Brava! Enterprise license error is logged (retired) - SmartPlant Foundation - SmartPlant Foundation 2020 - Help - Hexagon

SmartPlant Foundation and Web Client Modified and Retired Functionality

SmartPlant Foundation
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SmartPlant Markup Plus Version
10.0 (2019)

The following applies if you are using a version of the software before Update 33 and SmartPlant Markup Plus Server 2019 SP 1 or earlier. For the latest information, see File viewing problems.


You cannot view a non-Hexagon file, and the Brava! Enterprise log file indicates that the Brava! Enterprise license server cannot be contacted. For example, the log file might contain a message similar to:

2018-04-16T20:40:38,702+0000 [Publishing.SubmissionWorker-7]

ERROR c.i.b.c.f.FsPublishRequestHandler - Cannot contact a HTTP License Server

com.infograph.A.A: Cannot contact a HTTP License Server


The Brava! Enterprise license web application was installed, but not deployed.


The Brava! Enterprise license web application is deployed by Apache Tomcat. To deploy the application, restart the Tomcat service so that the BravaLicense folder appears in the Tomcat webapps directory (for example, Tomcat\webapps\BravaLicense).