Non-Hexagon files are too blurry to read (retired) - SmartPlant Foundation - SmartPlant Foundation 2020 - Help - Hexagon

SmartPlant Foundation and Web Client Modified and Retired Functionality

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SmartPlant Markup Plus Version
10.0 (2019)

The following applies if you are using a version of the software before Update 33 and SmartPlant Markup Plus Server 2019 SP 1 or earlier. For the latest information, see File viewing problems.


When viewing TIF, PDF, DWG, or other non-Hexagon files, the file resolution is so low that the file is too blurry to read. The files might also take a long time to open.

Causes and Solutions

The file was failing to convert for viewing, so you configured the SmartPlant Markup Plus Server to use the [PrintIfSaveAsXPSFailed] option. For more information, see File conversion (CSF/PDF) fails from the command prompt.

There are many common factors that affect file resolution, including the software settings used when publishing and displaying the file. The following changes to some of those settings might help improve the resolution of some files.

Change 1: BravaMaximumRasterDimension display setting

The BravaMaximumRasterDimension setting specifies the maximum height or width for raster graphics, in pixels. Raster graphics are scaled down if the number of pixels exceeds the specified value. Raster graphics are never scaled up. Resolution increases as the total number of pixels is increased. In some cases, changing this option can help make the file less blurry.

  1. In Server Manager, go to the Site Settings node.

  2. Increase the BravaMaximumRasterDimension. The default is 3500 pixels. Increasing this value may improve your viewing experience, but performance might be degraded.

  3. On the Brava! Enterprise Server, delete the files in the Brava! Server dlcache folder. This prevents illegible copies cached prior to the changes from being displayed.

    • The Brava! Enterprise Server is typically installed on the SmartPlant Markup Plus server.

    • It may take longer to open a file the first time it is opened after the cached files are deleted.

    SHARED Tip You can click Clear Display Cache on the Actions menu of the file or document in the Web Client.

Change 2: ForceToJPG and JPGFidelity settings

To increase display fidelity when viewing files rich in image content, you can change two settings in the IGC Loader Configuration Tool:

  • ForceToJPG - This controls how RGB color images are processed. When set to True, images in files are rendered as JPGs. This shortens rendering time for files rich in color images. By default, ForceToJPG is set to True.

  • JPGFidelity - Defines the JPG quality setting applied when RGB images in files are converted to JPG images and displayed in the viewer. Higher quality increases file size; lower quality decreases visual fidelity. By default, JPGFidelity is set to 600 DPI.

  1. On the Brava! Enterprise Server, run loaders.configuration.exe in the [installation location]\SmartPlant\Markup\Brava! Enterprise\JobProcessor\Igc.Loaders folder.

    The Brava! Enterprise Server is typically installed on the SmartPlant Markup Plus server.

  2. In the System section, change these settings:

    1. ForceToJPG - Set to True.

    2. JPGFidelity - Increase the MaxRasterDPI parameter.

  3. On the Brava! Enterprise Server, delete the files in the Brava! Server dlcache folder. This prevents illegible copies cached prior to the changes from being displayed.

    • The Brava! Enterprise Server is typically installed on the SmartPlant Markup Plus server.

    • It may take longer to open a file the first time it is opened after the cached files are deleted.

    SHARED Tip You can click Clear Display Cache on the Actions menu of the file or document in the Web Client.

SHARED Tip For more information about these settings, please use the information provided with the Loader Configuration tool. For more information on using the Loader Configuration Tool, see the Loader Configuration Tool Guide (Loader_Configuration_Tool_Guide.pdf) in the [installation location]\SmartPlant\Markup\Brava! Enterprise\JobProcessor\Igc.Loaders folder.