Adding stamps or symbols to the library (modified in an update) - SmartPlant Foundation - SmartPlant Foundation - Reference - Hexagon

SmartPlant Foundation and Web Client Modified and Retired Functionality

SmartPlant Foundation
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SmartPlant Markup Plus Version
10.0 (2019)

The following applies if you are using a version of the software before Update 33 and SmartPlant Markup Plus Server 2019 SP 1 or earlier. For the latest information, see Adding stamps or symbols from the library.

If your environment is hosted on Intergraph Smart Cloud, please contact Smart Community to add stamps or symbols to your library.

  1. Move the stamp or symbol XSP files to their respective Web Client resource folders:

    • The stamps XSP files are delivered to [drive]:\ Server Files\SPFWebClient_Sites\[sitename]\viewers\resources\stamps.

    • The symbols XSP files are delivered to [drive]:\ Server Files\SPFWebClient_Sites\[sitename]\viewers\resources\symbols.

  2. Move the symbol PNG file to [drive]:\ Server Files\SPFWebClient_Sites\[sitename]\viewers\resources\symbols.

  3. Open the stamps.json or symbols.json files using a text editor, such as Notepad.

    • The stamps.json file delivered to [drive]:\ Server Files\SPFWebClient_Sites\[sitename]\viewers\resources\stamps.

    • The symbols.json file delivered to [drive]:\ Server Files\SPFWebClient_Sites\[sitename]\viewers\resources\symbols.

  4. Add entries:

    • The stamp XSP file name and the corresponding display name.

    • The symbol XSP file name and the corresponding PNG full file path.

  5. Save changes to the stamps.json or symbols.json files.

To ensure all changes are implemented, perform an IIS reset or recyle your application pools.