Files do not open using View and Markup with a non-English server (retired) - SmartPlant Foundation - SmartPlant Foundation 2020 - Help - Hexagon

SmartPlant Foundation and Web Client Modified and Retired Functionality

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SmartPlant Markup Plus Version
10.0 (2019)

The following applies if you are using a version of the software before Update 33 and SmartPlant Markup Plus Server 2019 SP 1 or earlier. For the latest information, see File viewing problems.


Non-Hexagon files do not open using View and Markup with a non-English server installation.

Common Causes

You might encounter this problem if:

  • SmartPlant Markup Plus Server is installed on a VM and DNS resolution fails.

  • The SuppressChildWindows property in the jpconsole.exe.config and/or jpservice.exe.config files is set to False.

  • The NET.TCP Port Sharing Service is not started.


Update the queue.server.address.0 property in the job processor configuration file.

  1. Log on to the SmartPlant Markup Plus server as an administrator.

  2. Open the JobProcessor.config file delivered to the [installation location]\SmartPlant\Markup\Brava! Enterprise\JobProcessor folder.

    If you are using a version prior to SmartPlant Markup Plus 2019 Service Pack 1, the folder is: [installation location]\SmartPlant\Markup\Blazon\Blazon Enterprise\JobProcessor.

  3. Set queue.server.address.0 to the TCP/IP address.

  4. Click Start > Administrative Tools > Services.

  5. Restart the Brava! Job Processor service.

    If you are using a version prior to SmartPlant Markup Plus 2019 Service Pack 1, the job processor service is called Blazon Job Processor.

  6. Type the following commands at the command prompt:

    netsh http add urlacl url= http://*:7070/ user=<[SPMServerMachineName]|[NameofUserRunningBlazonEnterpriseServices]>

    netsh http add urlacl url= http://*:80/ user=<[SPMServerMachineName]|[NameofUserRunningBlazonEnterpriseServices]>

    netsh http add urlacl url= http://*:8090/ user=<[SPMServerMachineName]|[NameofUserRunningBlazonEnterpriseServices]>

    netsh http add urlacl url= http://*:8890/ user=<[SPMServerMachineName]|[NameofUserRunningBlazonEnterpriseServices]>

    netsh http add urlacl url= http://*:9900/ user=<[SPMServerMachineName]|[NameofUserRunningBlazonEnterpriseServices]>

Update the SuppressChildWindows property in the configuration files.

  1. Log on to the SmartPlant Markup Plus server as an administrator.

  2. Open the jpservice.config and jpconsole.exe files delivered to the [installation location]\SmartPlant\Markup\Brava! Enterprise\JobProcessor folder.

    If you are using a version prior to SmartPlant Markup Plus 2019 Service Pack 1, the folder is: [installation location]\SmartPlant\Markup\Blazon\Blazon Enterprise\JobProcessor.

  3. Set SuppressChildWindows to "true".

  4. Click Start > Administrative Tools > Services.

  5. Restart the Brava! Job Processor service.

    If you are using a version prior to SmartPlant Markup Plus 2019 Service Pack 1, the job processor service is called Blazon Job Processor.

Enable the Net.TCP Port Sharing Service (retired)