Create a new content discovery task (modified in an update) - SmartPlant Foundation - SmartPlant Foundation 2020 - Help - Hexagon

SmartPlant Foundation and Web Client Modified and Retired Functionality

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SmartPlant Markup Plus Version
10.0 (2019)

The document workbench in the Data Capture was removed from the Desktop Client in Update 33. However, it is still available if your SmartPlant Foundation uses the Brava! viewer. The following applies if you are using a version of the software before Update 33 or the latest with Brava! application. For the latest information, see Create a new content discovery task.

When a tag is selected in the Document Workbench, the tag is highlighted in the PDF rendition file if a rendition already exists for the document.

View document relations

On the Progress tab, click View document relations View Document Relations to view the relationship details of the document in the Relationship Details tab as shown in the following example:


The central node represents the master object on which the view related items service is based.


The Columset Properties pane displays the properties based on the column set configured for the master object.


The terminal nodes represent the related objects.


Represents the number of the related objects. You can click the hyperlink to view the properties of the object or click View Related Items VRI to view the object related items.


The Additional Properties pane displays the properties configured in the Property Lists module.

  • The terminal nodes displayed are based on the EdgeDefs configured on the view related items client API method. The EdgeDefs can be configured as a parameter (Arg1) for the view related items client API method in the Desktop Client.

  • The View Related Items client API method must be related to the interfaces realized by the selected document. If this method is not related to any of the selected document interfaces, then the terminal nodes in the diagram represent objects expanded from the relationship and user-defined edge definitions related to the master object.

  • When a tag is selected in the Document Workbench, the tag is highlighted in the PDF rendition file if a rendition already exists for the document.

  • If a property created in either the Tag Naming System or in the Property Lists module has a relationship configured against it, that relationship is created during the content discovery task.

  • You can click the View error log hyperlink of the content discovery task in the Summary tab to view the Error Log in the Content Discovery Task.

  • You can click the View Information Log hyperlink of the content discovery task in the Summary tab to view the log information of files in the Content Discovery Task module.

The following applies if you are using a version of the software before Update 14. For the latest information, see Create a new content discovery task.

The Data Capture creates FDW tags by applying the ENS definition which is configured using the Desktop Client.