Create Document Tag relationship (retired) - SmartPlant Foundation - SmartPlant Foundation 2020 - Help - Hexagon

SmartPlant Foundation and Web Client Modified and Retired Functionality

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SmartPlant Markup Plus Version
10.0 (2019)

The document workbench in the Data Capture was removed from the Desktop Client in Update 33. However, it is still available if your SmartPlant Foundation uses the Brava! viewer.

This functionality was modified in an update. For more information, see Create Document Tag relationship (modified in an update).

You can create a relationship between a document and a tag by adding a new tag to the document in the Document Workbench.

  1. In the Tags pane of the Document Workbench page, click Create Document Tag Relationship .

  2. In the Create Document Tag Relationship window, type a pattern for the tag name in the Tag Name box.

    The tag name pattern typed in the Tag Name box determines the type of tag created (master tag or alias tag), depending upon the pattern matching to the master tag or alias tag pattern.

  3. Click OK.

    The newly added tag is displayed in green until the changes are saved. You must click Save to save the tag to the SmartPlant Foundation database.

    • FDW tags are created without applying the ENS definition.

    • If the newly added tag does not already exist in the SmartPlant Foundation database, you can enter a description for it in the Description field in the properties table.

    • The tag is highlighted in the related document when you select a tag in the Tags pane. Tags related to a PDF document are only highlighted if the file has been processed using the PDF Pre-Processor Utility module. For more information, see PDF Reader Pre-Processor.

    • You can select a tag and click Delete Document Tag Relationship to delete the document tag relationship. The deleted tag is displayed in red until the changes are saved. You must click Save to complete the deletion.

    • If a master tag is deleted from the Tags pane, the relationship between the document and the master tag as well as the relationship between the document and the alias tag are deleted.