Edit the Bolt Commodity Code in the Bolt Selection Filter Sheet - Intergraph Smart 3D - Reference Data - Hexagon PPM

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The contractor Commodity Code in the Bolt Selection Filter sheet is not used to create the unique ID definition of the record. Therefore, you can mark the existing record as modified by typing M at the beginning of the record. For example, the new requirement dictates that the 1C0031 specification needs a new default gasket contractor commodity for the 0.75 inch to 36 inch size range.

  1. Open the Bolt Selection Filter sheet.

  2. Locate the record, edit the Commodity Code value, and then type M at the beginning of the record.

  3. Bulkload the spreadsheet, and review the log file.

  4. Use the Catalog Checker to review the impact of the proposed changes.

  5. Use the Synchronize Model with Catalog Command to mark the out-of-date objects.

  6. Use the Synchronize Workspace with Catalog Command to update the objects.

  7. Verify your changes, and resolve any discrepancies.

Edit Bolt Commodity Code