Materials Data - Intergraph Smart 3D - Reference Data - Hexagon PPM

Intergraph Smart 3D Piping Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D
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Reference Data
Smart 3D Version

The Materials Data Rule node (the MaterialsData sheet in the Piping Specification.xls workbook) defines the materials data required in the calculation of piping wall thickness.

Allowable Stress (Required)

Specify the basic allowable stress for the material, excluding the casting, joint, or structural grade quality factor (E) to use in the wall thickness calculations.

Coefficient Y (Required)

Type the coefficient Y that you want to use in the wall thickness calculations.

Design Standard (Required)

Type the design standard code that you want to use to calculate the piping wall thickness. Valid design standard codes are listed in the AllCodeLists.xls workbook on the DesignStandard sheet in the Codelist Number column.

Material Grade (Required)

Type the material grade code. Valid codes are listed in the AllCodeLists.xls workbook on the MaterialsGrade sheet in the Codelist Number column.

Mill Tolerance Percentage (Required)

Specify the mill tolerance as a percentage of the nominal thickness to use in the wall thickness calculations. If you enter a value here, do not enter a value for Mill Tolerance.

Mill Tolerance (Required)

Specify the mill tolerance to use in the wall thickness calculations. If you enter a value here, do not enter a value for Mill Tolerance Percentage.

Temperature (Required)

Specify the temperature for which the materials data applies. Include the unit of measure, F or K for example, when defining this value.

Wall Thickness From (Optional)

Specify the wall thickness lower bound for which the materials data applies.

Wall Thickness To (Optional)

Specify the wall thickness upper bound for which the materials data applies.

See Also

Piping Specification Rules
Define Materials Data