The Machine Bolt Length Calculation Tolerance Rule node (the MachBoltLenCalTolerance sheet in the Piping Specification.xls workbook) defines the negative or positive tolerance on the bolt length that is used when calculating the machine bolt length. This sheet contains all the default values that the software is to use.
Bolt Diameter From (Required)
Type the starting bolt diameter for the tolerance that you want to define. Include the unit indicator of in or mm.
Bolt Diameter To (Required)
Type the ending bolt diameter for the tolerance that you want to define. Include the unit indicator of in or mm.
Bolt Length From (Required)
Type the starting bolt length for the tolerance that you want to define. Include the unit indicator of in or mm.
Bolt Length To (Required)
Type the ending bolt length for the tolerance that you want to define. Include the unit indicator of in or mm.
Bolt Length Tolerance (Required)
Enter the negative or positive tolerance to use for the bolt length calculation based on the bolt length and bolt diameter ranges that you defined. Include the unit indicator of in or mm.