Gasket Part Data Sheet - Intergraph Smart 3D - Reference Data - Hexagon PPM

Intergraph Smart 3D Piping Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D
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Reference Data
Smart 3D Version

The Gaskets node (the GasketPartData sheet in the Piping Catalog.xls workbook) defines the gaskets that you want in your parts catalog.

  • The use of the Smart 3D Reference Data identification number as the catalog part number for a gasket is currently not supported.

  • If the part number column exists on the part class sheet, a unique, non-blank value must exist or the part is not created.

Flange Facing (Optional)

Select the flange facing for which the gasket is intended to be used. Specify this if you plan to use the flange facing to format the gasket commodity code or if the flange facing is required for reporting purposes.

Flange Insulation Kit Type (Optional)

Select the type of flange insulation kit. This property is only required when the gasket represents a flange insulation kit as indicated by Gasket Category being set to "Insulation sets".

Flange Pressure (Optional)

Enter the minimum compressive stress (Y) in pounds per square inch (or bar) on the contact area of the gasket that is required to provide a seal at an internal pressure of 2 psig (0.14 bar). The Flange Pressure is also referred to as the Minimum Design Seating Stress or the Minimum Compressive Stress.

This value is only intended to be used for informational purposes in the selection of a gasket to be used by a piping spec. This value is only to be used for flange designs, as specified in the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Division 1, Section VIII, Appendix 2. This value is not intended to be used as the gasket seating stress value in actual service.

Gasket Category (Required)

Select the gasket category. You must specify the gasket category before you can specify the gasket type. If set to "Insulation sets", be sure to set the Flange Insulation Kit Type, Insulating Washer Thickness, and Metallic Electro-Plated Washer Thickness properties.

Gasket Industry Practice (Optional)

Select the industry practice on which the gasket data is based.

Gasket Industry Standard (Optional)

Specify the gasket industry standard. Valid codes are listed in the AllCodeLists.xls workbook on the GeometricIndustryStandard sheet in the Codelist Number column.

Gasket Inside Diameter (Optional)

Specify the inside diameter of the gasket. Be sure to include the unit value, for example, 203mm. If you do not specify a value here, the software automatically determines the inside diameter using the bolted end data.

Gasket Inside Diameter Basis (Optional)

Specify how the software is to compute the inside diameter of the gasket. This value is required only if you need to report the inside gasket diameter and the diameter is computed on the basis of a standard. Valid codes are listed in the AllCodeLists.xls workbook on the GasketInsideDiameterBasis sheet in the Codelist Number column.

Gasket Outside Diameter (Optional)

Specify the outside diameter of the gasket. Be sure to include the unit value, for example, 279mm.

Gasket Outside Diameter Basis (Optional)

Specify how the software is to compute the outside diameter of the gasket. This value is required only if you need to report the outside gasket diameter and the diameter is computed on the basis of a standard. Valid codes are listed in the AllCodeLists.xls workbook on the GasketOutsideDiameterBasis sheet in the Codelist Number column.

Gasket Type (Required)

Specify the gasket type (flat, corrugated, ring, and so forth). Valid codes are listed in the AllCodeLists.xls workbook on the GasketType sheet in the Codelist Number column.

Industry Commodity Code (Required)

Specify the industry commodity code for the gasket part. All industry commodity codes must be unique across the entire catalog.

Installation Man Hours (Optional)

Enter the man hours required to install the gasket.

Insulating Washer Thickness (Optional)

Enter the thickness of the insulating washer in the flange insulation kit. This value is used in determining any additional bolt length required due to the insulating washers. This value is only required when the gasket represents a flange insulation kit as indicated by Gasket Category being set to "Insulation sets".

Intersection of Unload Curve with Vertical Axis (Optional)

Enter the intersection of the unload curve with vertical axis as specified by the Pressure Vessel Research Council. This value is only intended to be used for informational purposes in the selection of a gasket to be used by a piping spec.

Maintenance Factor (Optional)

Enter a decimal value that represents a factor (M) that provides the additional preload required in the flange fasteners to maintain the compressive load on a gasket after internal pressure is applied to a bolted joint.

This value is only intended to be used for informational purposes in the selection of a gasket to be used by a piping spec. Furthermore, this data is only to be used for flange designs, as specified in the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Division 1, Section VIII, Appendix 2. This value is not intended to be used as the gasket seating stress value in actual service.

Maintenance Man Hours (Optional)

Enter the man hours required to maintain the gasket.

Manufacturer (Optional)

Select the gasket manufacturer. You must define the Manufacturer Industry Practice before you can select this value.

Manufacturer Industry Practice (Optional)

Select the industry practice for the gasket manufacturer.

Material Category (Required)

Select the material category.

Material Grade (Required)

Specify the material grade for the gasket. Valid codes are listed in the AllCodeLists.xls workbook on the MaterialGrade sheet in the Codelist Number column.

Material Grade Practice (Required)

Select the material grade practice.

Maximum Pressure (Optional)

Enter the maximum pressure for which the gasket is suited. This value is only intended to be used for informational purposes in the selection of a gasket to be used by a piping spec.

Maximum Temperature (Optional)

Enter the maximum temperature for which the gasket is suited. This value is only intended to be used for informational purposes in the selection of a gasket to be used by a piping spec.

Maximum Tightness Parameter (Optional)

Enter the maximum tightness for which the gasket is suited. This value is only intended to be used for informational purposes in the selection of a gasket to be used by a piping spec.

Metallic Electro-Plated Washer Thickness (Optional)

Enter the thickness of the metallic electro-plated washer in the flange insulation kit. This value is used in determining any additional bolt length required due to the electro-plated washers. This value is only required when the gasket represents a flange insulation kit as indicated by Gasket Category being set to "Insulation sets".

Nominal Diameter From (Optional)

Define the lower bound of the largest nominal piping diameter for which this gasket applies. This value is only required for those gaskets where the part data (such as the thickness) varies with size but the commodity code for the gasket does not reflect the size.

Nominal Diameter To (Optional)

Define the upper bound of the largest nominal piping diameter for which this gasket applies. This value is only required for those gaskets where the part data (such as the thickness) varies with size but the commodity code for the gasket does not reflect the size.

Nominal Diameter (Optional)

Type the nominal piping diameter for the gasket.

NPD Unit Type (Optional)

Specify the units for the Nominal Diameter From and Nominal Diameter To columns. For example, type in for inches or mm for millimeters. These units must match the units used in the gasket selection filter (mm or in).

Procurement CIMIS Commodity Code (Optional)

Specifies the CIMIS commodity code.

Procurement Client Commodity Code (Optional)

Specifies the client commodity code.

Procurement Manufacturer Part No (Optional)

Specifies the manufacturer part number.

Procurement Thickness (Required)

Specify the thickness of the gasket for procurement purposes. Be sure to include the unit value, for example, 4mm or 0.125in.

Procurement Vendor Part No (Optional)

Specifies the vendor part number.

Requisition Number (Optional)

Specifies the requisition number.

Ring Number (Conditionally Required)

Type the ring number code for the ring joint gasket. This property is optional and is required only for the situation where the gasket's commodity code does not address the ring number. This property is not required for any other type of gasket. Valid codes are listed in the AllCodeLists.xls workbook on the RingNumber sheet in the Codelist Number column.

Ring Number Practice (Conditionally Required)

Select the ring number practice.

Stress at which Seal is Initiated (Optional)

Enter the stress at which the seal of the gasket is initiated, as specified by the Pressure Vessel Research Council. This value is only intended to be used for informational purposes in the selection of a gasket to be used by a piping spec.

Style Number (Optional)

Select the manufacturer's gasket style number. Specify this if you plan to use the style to format the gasket commodity code or if the style is required for reporting purposes. You must define the Manufacturer Industry Practice and the Manufacturer before you can select this value.

Thickness For 3D Model (Required)

Specify the thickness of the gasket as it is to be represented in the model. You can enter zero. Be sure to include the unit value, for example, 4mm or 0.125in.

Tightness Curve Slope (Optional)

Enter the decimal value that represents the slope of the log/log tightness curve as specified by the Pressure Vessel Research Council. This value is only intended to be used for informational purposes in the selection of a gasket to be used by a piping spec.

Tightness Parameter Maximum (Optional)

Enter the maximum tightness parameter (Tp). This value is only intended to be used for informational purposes in the selection of a gasket to be used by a piping spec.

Tightness Parameter Minimum (Optional)

Enter the minimum tightness parameter (Tp). This value is only intended to be used for informational purposes in the selection of a gasket to be used by a piping spec.

Unit Cost (Optional)

Enter the price of the gasket.

See Also

Piping Parts
Gasket Part Data Sheet
Gasket Selection Filter
Gasket Selection Filter for Nozzles