Pipe Bending Machine Data - Intergraph Smart 3D - Reference Data - Hexagon PPM

Intergraph Smart 3D Piping Reference Data

Intergraph Smart 3D
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The Pipe Bending Machine Data node (the PipeBendingMachineData sheet in the Pipe Bending Manufacturability Rules.xls workbook) defines the pipe bending machines that are available.

Height Above Shop Floor (Optional)

Enter the distance to the floor. This value will be used to calculate if the pipe will hit the floor when being bent.

Maximum Bend Angle (Optional)

Enter the maximum bend angle that the bending machine can create.

Maximum Capacity (Optional)

Enter the maximum outside pipe diameter that the bending machine can handle.

Maximum Centerline Radius (Optional)

Enter the maximum distance from the center of curvature to the centerline axis of the tube or pipe bend that the bending machine can handle.

Maximum Number of Bends (Optional)

Enter the maximum number of bends that the bending machine can handle.

Maximum Pipe Length (Optional)

Enter the maximum pipe length that the bending machine can handle.

Maximum Section Modulus (Optional)

Enter the maximum section modulus that the bending machine can create.

Minimum Bend Angle (Optional)

Enter the minimum bend angle that the bending machine can create.

Pipe Bending Machine Name (Required)

Type a code number for the bending machine code that you are defining. Each bending machine that you define must have a unique number.

Pipe Bending Machine Description (Optional)

Type a description of the bending machine, such as the manufacturer and the model number.

Pipe Bending Machine Type (Optional)

Specify the correct codelist value that defines the bending machine type (cold form pressure, ram, roll, and so forth). Valid codelist values are listed in the AllCodeLists.xls workbook on the PipeBendingMachineType sheet in the Codelist Number column.

See Also

Pipe Bending Data
Define Pipe Bending Machines