The DefaultProjectOptions sheet in the Piping Specification.xls workbook defines several overall rules for piping specifications.
The Model Options node in the Catalog task defines the same rules as does the DefaultProjectOptions sheet in the Piping Specification.xls workbook.
Automated Branch Data Creation Option
Enables or disables the automated creation of the branch data in the piping commodity filter on the basis of the branch intersection rule for the corresponding piping materials class. If you enable this option, the software creates entries in the piping commodity filter for the "by system" branch fittings. The software automatically assigns values for the following properties:
Short code
First size, from
First size, to
Second size, from
Second size, to
Commodity option
Option category
Selection basis
Jacketed piping basis
Automated Industry Commodity Code Creation Option
Enables or disables the automated creation of industry commodity codes.
Bolt Commodity Code Expansion Substitution Option
Enables the Bolt Commodity Code Substitution rule, enables the Bolt Commodity Code Expansion rule, or specifies that the bolt commodity code is not affected by the bolt length or diameter.
If you consider the bolt's commodity code to be independent of the bolt length and diameter by embedding the bolt length and diameter in the material description, you should select that the bolt commodity code is not affected by the bolt length or diameter.
If you select to enable the Bolt Commodity Code Substitution rule, you need to define entries in the Bolt Commodity Code Substitution Rule.
Bolt Diameter Equivalence Option
Specifies whether the bolt diameter equivalence rule for reporting the bolt diameter is enabled (10) or disabled (5). If you do not specify a value, the default is to disable the rule. For example, enable this option when you are required to use ASME fittings in a metric model, but also use real metric bolts.
When this option is enabled, the actual bolt equivalence values are defined in the optional Bolt Diameter Equivalence.xls workbook on the BoltDiameterEquivalenceRule sheet.
Bolt Length Calculation Option
Enables (5) or disables (10) the calculation of bolt lengths. If disabled, bolt length is not calculated. If enabled, the bolt lengths from the Bolt Extension Rule are used. See Bolt Extension.
Cap Screw Engagement Gap
Specifies a setback constant for the cap screw length to avoid having the cap screw bottom out in the hole. The software calculates the length of the cap screw as the depth of the hole minus the value defined here. The Cap Screw Length Round Off Option must be set to "Use Value" 10 to use this value.
Cap Screw Length Round Off Option
Specifies the method to use for rounding cap screw bolt length calculations. If this option is set to "Use Value" (10), then the round off value that you specify in Cap Screw Length Round Off Value is used. If this option is set to "Use list of preferred bolt lengths" (15), then the values that you have defined in Preferred Cap Screw Length are used. Valid codes are listed in the AllCodeLists.xls workbook on the BoltLengthRoundOffOption sheet in the Codelist Number column.
Cap Screw Length Round Off Value
Specifies the length round off value to use in length calculations. The Cap Screw Length Round Off Option must be set to "Use Value" (10) to use this value. The computed bolt length is rounded down to the next increment of the value defined here. For example, if you enter 0.25in here and the calculated bolt length is 3.05in, the bolt length is rounded down to 3.00in. There is a 0.0001 inch tolerance applied to the computed length. Therefore, a cap screw with a computed length of 2.74999 inches is reported as 2.75 rather than 2.50.
Commodity Code Dependence on Schedule
Specifies whether the contractor commodity code in the piping commodity filter is dependent upon schedule when editing piping specs. In other words, this option determines whether it is necessary to define values for the First Size Schedule and the Second Size Schedule properties in the piping commodity filter. You can select:
Contractor commodity code includes schedule (5)
Contractor commodity code does not include schedule (10)
It is assumed that both the Contractor Commodity Code and the Industry Commodity Code are based on Schedule, or neither is based on Schedule.
Default Industry Practice
Specifies the default Industry Practice to use when editing piping specifications and pipe part data.
Default Pipe Bending Machine Number
Specifies the default pipe bending machine number. You define the available pipe bending machines in the Piping\Pipe Bending Data\Pipe Bending Machine Data node or on the PipeBendingMachineData sheet in the Pipe Bending Manufacturability Rules.xls workbook. See Pipe Bending Machine Data.
Density of Water
Specifies the density of water for which the water weight data in the piping catalog applies.
Specifies a description of the piping specification.
Eccentric Offset Basis Option
Select whether to compute the eccentric offset of eccentric fittings based on the piping inside diameter or the piping outside diameter when the schedules of the two ends are different. The default is based on the outside diameter.
Gasket Selection Based on Fluid Code
Specifies the basis on which the fluid code is to be used to select gaskets when the gasket selection filter is based on the operating fluid. This option applies to all piping materials classes within the piping specification where the fluid code is used as selection criteria for gaskets. You can select:
Fluid Code used to select all gaskets (1) - Specify this option if the fluid code must be specified for all gaskets in the gasket selection filter when the gasket selection filter is based on the operating fluid. If the fluid code is used as the selection criteria for the default gasket within a piping spec for a specific size range and a specific type of bolted joint, then the fluid code must be specified for each acceptable gasket in the applicable piping spec for the applicable size range and the applicable type of bolted joint. See Gasket Selection Filter.
Fluid Code used to select gasket exceptions (2) - Specify this option if it is necessary to specify the fluid code only for the gasket exceptions in the gasket selection filter when the gasket selection filter is based on the operating fluid.
If fluid code has been specified in the gasket selection filter, then the query for the gasket to be used at the bolted joint is based on the fluid code. If the query does not find a gasket by querying with fluid code, then the fluid code is ignored and the gasket selection filter is queried for gaskets where the fluid code has an undefined value. In other words, you define the special cases with a value for the fluid code in the gasket selection filter but all other fluid code values result in the "default" gasket being selected because the fluid code has not been specified. This ability addresses a situation, where a piping spec is applicable to 15-20 different values of Fluid Code. Most of the Fluid Code values applicable to this piping spec use the default gasket. However, a few Fluid Code values require special gaskets.
Gasket Selection for Mismatched Bolted Ends
Specifies how the software selects gaskets for joints formed by different bolted ends (different pressure rating, end preparation, or end standard) but that are based on equivalent drilling templates.
Select Gasket selection based on both bolted ends is required (5) to select the gasket based on the nominal piping diameter, pressure rating, end preparation, and end standard of both bolted ends. This provides the flexibility to specify the gasket to be used when the default gasket normally used with one of the bolted ends differs from the default gasket normally used for the other bolted end. In this situation, an error is reported if the gasket has only been defined in the gasket selection filter on the basis of one of the two bolted ends.
Select Gasket selection based on an arbitrary bolted end is acceptable (10) to arbitrarily select the gasket based on only one of the two bolted ends when you have not defined the gasket on the basis of both bolted ends. If you choose this option, you assume responsibility that the gasket selected is acceptable. This approach reduces the number of required gasket records for a piping materials class with a number of unique, but compatible, bolted ends, where the piping engineer’s intent is to reduce the material handling costs by reducing the number of gaskets maintained in inventory. Note that, if you do specify a gasket based on both of the applicable bolted ends, the correct gasket is selected rather than another gasket based on an arbitrary bolted end. This is the default setting.
Smart 3D only uses the Gasket Selection for Mismatched Bolted Ends value when Automated Gasket Selection at Spec Break is not defined. See Automated Gasket Selection at Spec Break Rule.
Header Branch Size Basis Option
Specifies whether the values of Header Size and Branch for the Branch Intersection Rule are determined automatically based on the size ranges for the pipe stock and branch nipples in the piping commodity filter, or if they are determined based on the sizes in the Permissible Nominal Piping Diameters Rule for the applicable piping materials class. This option only applies to the editing of piping specs. You can select:
Based on pipe stock and branch nipples in piping commodity filter (5)
Based on Permissible Nominal Piping Diameters Rule (10)
Hyperlink to Human Spec
Specify the location of the electronic version of the human piping specification. You can specify the location using the http:// protocol or by using a Universal Resource Location (URL) address (for example, \\server\share). Define this option when you have created a single electronic document for all piping materials classes within the piping specification.
Industry Commodity Code Option
Specifies whether you want to use the industry commodity code (5), the contractor commodity code (10), or the client commodity code (15) to select parts from the piping catalog.
Machine Bolt Length Round Off Option
Specifies the method to use for rounding machine bolt length calculations. If this option is set to "Use Value" (10), then the round off value that you specify in Machine Bolt Length Round Off Value is used. If this option is set to "Use list of preferred bolt lengths" (15), then the values that you have defined in Preferred Machine Bolt Length are used. Valid codes are listed in the AllCodeLists.xls workbook on the BoltLengthRoundOffOption sheet in the Codelist Number column.
Machine Bolt Length Round Off Value
Specifies the length round off value to use in length calculations. The Machine Bolt Length Round Off Option must be set to "Use Value" (10) to use this value. The computed bolt length is rounded up to the next increment of the value defined here. For example, if you enter 0.25in here and the calculated bolt length is 3.05in, the bolt length is rounded up to 3.25in.
Minimum Plate Flange Thickness
Specifies the minimum plate flange thickness that requires an extra weld at the face of flange. Be sure to include the units (in or mm) when defining this value.
Specifies a name for the piping specification.
Non-Radial Offset Branch Outside Diameter Multiplier
Type the multiplier for the piping header outside diameter to be used to determine the protrusion of the branch pipe into the header pipe when the non-radial branch is offset from the header centerline, but not tangential. Typically, the protrusion of the branch into the header is 0.375 x the header outside diameter for an offset, non-radial branch.
Non-Radial Tangent Branch Outside Diameter Multiplier
Type the multiplier for the piping header outside diameter to be used to determine the protrusion of the branch pipe into the header pipe when the non-radial branch is tangential with respect to the header pipe. Typically, the protrusion of the branch into the header is 0.5 x the header outside diameter for a tangential, non-radial branch.
Nut Creation Option
Specifies whether you want nuts automatically created at bolted joints. Disable this option when nuts are not tracked by material management. Even with this option disabled, you can still use the nut height for the bolt length calculation if the nut selection filter and accompanying nut part data are defined in the catalog. Valid codes are listed in the AllCodeLists.xls workbook on the NutCreationOption sheet in the Codelist Number column.
You can create nuts in the model but not have them reported by setting the ReportingType column on the PipingCommodityMatlControlData sheet for the nut.
Olet-Branch Ownership Option
Specifies whether you want olet-type branches owned by the header run (5) or owned by the branch run (10) for reporting and extracting isometric drawings purposes. You can also set this to undefined (1).
Pipe Bend Radius By User Option
Enables (10) or disables (5) the ability of the piping designer to override the pipe bend radius defined in the piping specification. The ability may be needed to allow the piping designer to route pipe around the circumference of a tank such that the pipe remains a constant distance from the surface of the tank.
Pipe Bend Radius Multiplier Option
Specifies how the absolute bend radius value is obtained. You can specify that it is the product of the nominal piping diameter (or optionally the outside diameter) times the pipe bend radius multiplier, or is a rule based on the nominal piping diameter and the pipe bend radius multiplier as defined on the Pipe Bend Radius Multiplier Rule. For more information, see Piping Commodity Filter. Valid codes are listed in the AllCodeLists.xls workbook on the PipeBendRadiusMultiplierOption sheet in the Codelist Number column.
Pipe Spec Version Management Option
Enables (2) or disables (1) the version management of piping specifications. If enabled, the software keeps the different revisions of a piping specification so that piping designers can select the revision that they need. We recommend that before you enable this option, you make sure that the Revision Number column in the piping specifications (the PipingMaterialClassData worksheet) has the initial revision text defined. You will also need to edit each and every worksheet in the piping specification that has a SpecName column (Piping Commodity Filter, Service Limits, Pipe Branch, to name a few) and add a new column called RevisionNumber to the head line, and then add the appropriate revision number to that column. After you have enabled the option, you will need to go to the Systems and Specifications task and re-define the allowable specifications. An example workbook named "Sample Data for Versionable Pipe Specs.xls" is available on the PPM Smart Community web site.
Piping Commodity Catalog Part Number Basis Option
Specifies the code to use. Valid codes are listed in the AllCodeLists.xls workbook on the PipingCmdtyCtlgPartNoBasisOpt sheet in the Codelist Number column. This option allows you to enable the use of the size-dependent commodity code as the piping commodity catalog part number in lieu of concatenating the piping commodity catalog part number from the industry commodity code and the nominal piping diameter for each of the piping points.
If you have a size-dependent commodity numbering system such that the size is already appended as a prefix or suffix to the commodity code base, then you may prefer to use the commodity code base and size ranges in the piping specification, but use the size-dependent commodity code in the piping catalog. Note that the size-dependent contractor commodity code from the piping commodity filter must be the same as the size-dependent contractor commodity code from the piping commodity material control data.
If you select the "Use the size-dependent client commodity code from the piping commodity procurement data" option, you need to define data in the Piping Commodity Procurement node. For more information, see Piping Commodity Procurement.
Piping Commodity Override Option
Specifies whether piping designers can override the piping specification by selecting a piping commodity directly from the piping catalog. This option is the default setting for all piping material classes that you define. You can override this setting for an individual piping material class by using the Piping Commodity Override Option setting on the PipingMaterialClassData sheet for that piping material class. Valid codes are listed in the AllCodeLists.xls workbook on the PipingCommodityOverrideOption sheet in the Codelist Number column.
Piping Commodity Procurement Data Option
Specifies whether the contractor commodity code or the industry commodity code is to be used to query the piping commodity procurement data:
Not applicable (5)
Determine procurement data based on contractor commodity code (10)
Determine procurement data based on industry commodity code (15)
If you do not specify a value, the not applicable option is used by default. See Piping Commodity Procurement.
Piping Specification Commodity Code Builder
Activates the commodity code builder for Industry Commodity Codes, Contractor Commodity Codes, Both Contractor and Industry Commodity Codes, or disables the commodity code builder. You can also set this option in the Catalog task by going to Tools Menu > Options Command, selecting the Piping Specifications Tab (Options Dialog), and then use the Provide tools for building and selecting code for: option.
If this option is enabled, the software activates the Commodity Code Builder when creating or revising commodity code properties in either the piping specification or the piping catalog. See the Select Commodity Code Dialog.
This option also enables the automated creation of the Industry Commodity Code in the piping commodity class data on the basis of property values and customizable formats, as specified. Refer to Appendix: Industry Commodity Code for a description of the automated creation of industry commodity codes. The value for the Industry Commodity Code in the piping commodity class data is formed automatically whenever this option is enabled for the Industry Commodity Code or enabled for both the Industry Commodity Code and the Contractor Commodity Code. This option only applies to the editing of piping specs.
Piping Specification Material Description Builder
Enables or disables the automatic creation of part material descriptions based on the rules that you define in the Material Description Rule node. The material descriptions are created when you use the Select Commodity Code dialog box. You can also set this option in the Catalog task by going to Tools Menu > Options Command, selecting the Piping Specifications Tab (Options Dialog), and then select or clear the Create material descriptions by rule option.
Piping Specification Notes Option
Specifies how you want to display the piping specification standard notes (Piping > Piping Specifications > Notes in the catalog hierarchy) when editing piping specification in the Catalog task. You can display either a numeric value or textural value for the notes. See Standard Notes.
Purchase Length Basis Option
Specifies the basis on which the purchase length in piping specifications is determined. The purchase length option applies to all piping materials classes within a piping specification.
By user (10) - The purchase length is based on the commodity option specified by the piping designer. In other words, all pipe stock lengths for the applicable pipe run are based on the same purchase length.
By system (5) - All purchase length options provided by the specification writer are to be used. In other words, multiple pipe stock lengths for the applicable pipe run are based on the purchase lengths of all commodity options specified for the pipe stock in the piping commodity filter.
By user - with split (15) - The purchase length is based on the commodity option specified by the piping designer. In other words, all pipe stock lengths for the applicable pipe run are based on the same purchase length, and appropriate splits are inserted as the pipe run is routed. This setting applies only to mixed end pipe with purchase length.
Stud Bolt Length Round Off Option
Specifies the method to use for rounding stud bolt length calculations. If this option is set to "Use Value" (10), then the round off value that you specify in Stud Bolt Length Round Off Value is used. If this option is set to "Use list of preferred bolt lengths" (15), then the values that you have defined in Preferred Stud Bolt Length are used. Valid codes are listed in the AllCodeLists.xls workbook on the BoltLengthRoundOffOption sheet in the Codelist Number column.
Stud Bolt Length Round Off Value
Specifies the length round off value to use in length calculations. The Stud Bolt Length Round Off Option must be set to "Use Value" (10) to use this value. The computed bolt length is rounded up to the next increment of the value defined here. For example, if you enter 0.25in here and the calculated bolt length is 3.05in, the bolt length is rounded up to 3.25in. There is a 0.0001 inch tolerance applied to the computed length. Therefore, a stud bolt with a computed length of 2.75001 inches is reported as 2.75 rather than 3.00.
Specification or Catalog Verification Option
Enables or disables the automated verification of the piping specification or the piping catalog data being edited.
Tap End Stud Bolt Length Round Off Option
Specifies the method to use for rounding tap end stud bolt length calculations. If this option is set to "Use Value" (10), then the round off value that you specify in Tap End Stud Bolt Length Round Off Value is used. If this option is set to "Use list of preferred Tap End Stud Bolt Lengths" (15), then the values that you have defined in Preferred Tap End Stud Bolt Length Rule are used. Valid codes are listed in the AllCodeLists.xls workbook on the BoltLengthRoundOffOption sheet in the Codelist Number column.
Tap End Stud Bolt Length Round Off Value
Specifies the length round off value to use in length calculations. The Tap End Stud Bolt Length Round Off Option must be set to "Use Value" (10) to use this value. The computed bolt length is rounded up to the next increment of the value defined here. For example, if you enter 0.25in here and the calculated bolt length is 3.05in, the bolt length is rounded up to 3.25in. There is a 0.0001 inch tolerance applied to the computed length. Therefore, a stud bolt with a computed length of 2.75001 inches is reported as 2.75 rather than 3.00.
Undefined Service Limits Rule Option
Specifies if the absence of any temperature-pressure data is to be reported as an error, which must be corrected by the piping designer; or is reported as a warning, which can be ignored by the piping designer. This option only applies to a piping materials class where the optional Service Limits rule has been specified. For more information, see Service Limits.
This option does not apply to the selection of a piping commodity from the piping commodity filter on the basis of the maximum (or minimum) temperature. Nor does is apply to the use of the piping commodity service limits data.
Select "Absence of any temperature- pressure data to be reported as an error" (5) for the absence of any temperature-pressure data to be reported as an error (the default setting).
Select "Absence of any temperature- pressure data to be reported as a warning" (10) for the absence of any temperature-pressure data to be reported as a warning.
Washer Creation Option
Specifies whether you want washers automatically created at bolted joints. Disable this option when washers are not tracked by material management. Even with this option disabled, you can still use the washer thickness for the bolt length calculation if the washer selection filter and accompanying washer part data are defined in the catalog. Valid codes are listed in the AllCodeLists.xls workbook on the WasherCreationOption sheet in the Codelist Number column.
You can create washers in the model but not have them reported by setting the ReportingType column on the PipingCommodityMatlControlData sheet for the washer.