Commodity Rule - Intergraph Smart Reference Data - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Reference Data Help Classic (10.1)

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On the S.10.01 Commodity Rule screen, do the following to select the rule you want to associate with the master link table.

  1. In the Rule field, select the name of the rule you want to associate to the master link table.

  2. Assign the master link table to the rule using the LOV in the Tablename field.

  3. After saving, click Next Block to open Window 2.

  4. Include the master table in the commodity keys by typing the digit number in the Digit Id field and selecting the master link table name from the LOV in the Tablename field.

  5. After saving, click Next Block to open Window 3.

  6. Use the LOV to assign table details to the layout short and layout long.

    In addition to the tables assigned to the commodity rule, you can select all detail tables linked to the master link table.

  7. When done with the update, click Save.