Olets are branch items that are standardized with a branch size and a header size range.
There are three ways to standardize idents for olets:
Define the item as detail of an assembly similar to couplings (see chapter above).
Define the item with header size and branch size as a default branch.
Define the item as follows (schedules are optional; the required kind of detail in S.10.05 is denoted in brackets afterwards):
size branch (1. Nominal Size)
size range header from (Size Range From)
size range header to (Size Range To)
schedule branch (1.Schedule)
schedule header (2. Schedule)
Filter the ident with an olet filter table on the spec items block in S.50.06. This geometric is required and contains the allowed branch sizes on size1 and the schedule (if used in ident) on size2.
A geometric on the spec header level is not regarded as a filter in this special case, while the size range 1 on the spec item level will work as usual. You do not need a branch table for the olets if you standardize them in the described manner. The unit system of the ident and the unit system of the filter geometric rows must match as described in other sections.