Updating the Commodity Part Code - Intergraph Smart Reference Data - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Reference Data Help Classic (10.1)

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For this exercise let us assume that we will be changing the bolt part code SB to S1-IN-IN to be able to create bolts in inches.

  1. On the S.10.03 Commodity Part screen, select the part you want to update, SB in our example.

  2. Change the code from SB to S1-IN-IN, and click Save.

  3. Click the Update Part CCs button to update all commodity codes associated with this part.

  4. A dialog box opens displaying the projects and product group where commodity codes exist for this part. Select the Sel check box for the product group and projects where the commodity codes should be updated.

  5. Click Update.

  6. Click Yes to confirm the ‘Do you want to continue?’ message.

  7. Another message appears, displaying the number of updated commodity codes, to be confirmed with OK.

    Check if the part code and the associated commodity codes have been updated on the following screens:

    S.30.01 Commodity Codes

    Verify that the existing commodity codes have been updated, in the example in L group and S1-IN-IN part.

    S.10.06 Part Object Parameter

    Verify that the part has been updated, in our example S1-IN-IN.

    S.40.22 Commodity Geometric Relations

    Verify that the part (S1-IN-IN) and commodity codes have been updated in the commodity geometric relations.

    S.50.06 Spec Management

    Verify that the specification items reflect the updated part and commodity codes.

    SP3D 10.04 Item Mappings

    Verify that the Sheet Dependent item mappings have been updated to reflect the new part code.

    Verify that the Independent item mappings have been updated to reflect the new part code.

  8. If the updated part and commodity codes are used in Smart 3D, do the following to update Smart 3D:

    • Export the catalog and specs to Smart 3D through the Smart 3D interface to the desired destination.

    • Bulk load the exported catalog and specs.

    • Resynchronize the model with the updated catalog and specs.

    • Verify that the bolts now show the new commodity codes.