Selecting Specifications - Intergraph Smart Reference Data - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Reference Data Help Classic (10.1)

Intergraph Smart Reference Data
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Smart Materials/Smart Reference Data Version
  1. Open the S.50.51 Copy Specification from Project screen.
    This screen is used to copy specifications from a proposal project to an EPC project, or from one project (which is not a proposal) to another project.

  2. Select the source project to copy the specifications from.
    The LOV on the Source Project field displays all available projects in the product group which is assigned to the login project. The available specifications in the source project appear on the Specification Headers tab.

  3. Select the Sel check box for all specifications to be copied.

The display options on the tab can be used as follows:

All - All specification revisions are displayed.

Not issued and highest Rev - The specification revisions that are not issued and the highest revision of the specification are displayed.

Highest Rev. Issued or not – The highest revision of the specifications is displayed.

The specifications from the source project are displayed with the following information:

Spec Type - Specification type.

Spec Code - Specification code.

Rev - Specification revision number.

Issued – Indicator if the specification is issued.

Short Desc - Specification short description.

Description - Specification description.

To highlight if data is missing or incomplete, the following background colors are applied:

Background Color

Missing Table Details

Mapping Table Details


Data not available

Data not available


Data not available

Data available


Data available

Data not available


Data available

Data available