Intergraph PDS documentation contains a listing of Zydex and model codes with their descriptions.
Copy the list of Zydex and model codes and their descriptions from the PDS documentation into a text editor.
Replace all tabs, equal symbols, and single quotes with spaces.
Component Sort by AABBCC Code
AABBCCCode Model Code Description
6Q1C01 GAT gate valve
6Q1C02 GATEX extended body gate valve
6Q1C03 GATCON conduit gate valve
6Q1C04 GATBL blank gate valve
6Q1C05 3WV valve (3-way)
Remove the first two lines and add the item type that you want to assign to this data. The level defaults to DETAIL; the NLS ID defaults to 1 (English); and, the tir_id is filled with a sequence. The Description field inherits the text present in the short description. All required information is now present to import the data as shown in the following example without using the S.20.10 screen as presented earlier in this document. (See the Table Import via S.20.10 section.)
PDS_ZYDEX 6Q1C01 GAT gate valve
PDS_ZYDEX 6Q1C02 GATEX extended body gate valve
PDS_ZYDEX 6Q1C03 GATCON conduit gate valve
PDS_ZYDEX 6Q1C04 GATBL blank gate valve
PDS_ZYDEX 6Q1C05 3WV valve (3-way)
The SQL*Loader uses the following control file to import the data:
INTO TABLE m_table_import_rows
(tir_type POSITION (1:9) CHAR,
tir_code POSITION (11:16) CHAR,
short_desc POSITION (33:60) CHAR