Issue and Revise a Product Group Specification - Intergraph Smart Reference Data - Help - Hexagon

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The issue and revise process itself is easy.

The screens S50.06 and S50.13 offer the option to issue a spec. A spec is issued by simply clicking the ISSUE checkbox and saving the record afterwards.

While saving, you will be asked if the spec item idents should be stored permanently. This question means the user can decide whether the spec item idents are stored in a specific database table or not. The advantage is the FIND_IDENT1 job will be faster and the item idents cannot be changed after the issue by modification of the filter tables. The only disadvantage is this procedure will take some time for execution. From a best practice perspective, it is recommended to always answer this question with "YES."

After this action, the specification cannot be modified at all.

The specification can now only be revised. To create a revised specification, the software copies the entire specification using the same spec code and increasing the revision number by 1.

The result in this example is revision 1 for the spec BP_10S01. It is shown under the project revision 3, which is the actual highest available project revision.2 Under this highest project revision, all specification revisions and their "mothers" are displayed.

After the product group specification is issued, it can be released by all projects, which are dependent on this product group in Screen A20.10 Release Spec.

After the spec is released, it is visible for example in the BOM 20.03.

The following is the diagram for the product group specifications

This diagram shows all possible scenarios for the question: "Is the specification shown in a project BOM?"

There are three main options:

  • ZX_ALLSPEC is set to Y: All specs are displayed regardless of whether a spec is issued and released or not

  • The highest revision of a spec is issued. If this spec revision is released and the active option for the project revision is set, the spec is displayed

  • The highest revision is not issued and not activated by the project revision. In this case, the last revision must be issued previously. If the project revision of the last issue is set to active, the last issued spec is displayed.
    If the highest spec revision being issued in a project revision is not set to active, the spec is not displayed.

From a best practice perspective, it is recommended to always activate all available project revisions in S50.13.