This functionality is provided on the S.50.06 Specification Management screen, for creating idents based on the specification. A commodity-geometric relation is not needed for creating idents through this method. Idents can also be created using information defined inside the specification. This logic can be used in addition to the existing method for creating idents.
For creating idents using data defined inside the specification, only those tables are considered that have corresponding table type = ‘User defined’ or ‘Branches’ in spec header geometrics, and the corresponding Ident Create option is selected.
Idents will only be created for the size ranges defined in the specification items. The software considers only those items whose size range lies between the size ranges specified at spec header geometrics. Additionally, the type (structure or attribute associated with table) of geometrics at spec item and corresponding spec header must match for creating corresponding idents. All idents are created inside the logged in project or product group with the accessible data. This functionality is executed when you click Build Spec Idents, available on the Spec Header Geometric tab. This button is enabled only when at least one record in Spec Header Geometric has the Ident Create option selected. The filter geometrics work as described earlier for this functionality. If any geometric at the specification items has some missing attribute in comparison to spec header geometrics, the software considers the filter geometric to find the missing attribute values.
If Filter is selected, the corresponding user-defined type geometric is considered as the filter geometric. There are only two types of geometrics that can be used for filter geometrics.
Geometrics having a single attribute for filtering Nominal Size (Kind Of Attribute = 1. Nominal Size).
Geometrics having two attributes – first attribute for filtering Nominal Size (Kind Of Attribute = 1. Nominal Size) and the second attribute for filtering Schedule (Kind Of Attribute = 1. Schedule).
Selecting the Ident Create option indicates that the corresponding geometric can be considered for building idents using specification header geometrics. Only the following types of geometrics / object parameter details are considered for creating Idents.
Object Type |
1st Input |
2nd Input |
3rd Input |
4th Input |
D1 |
1. Nominal Size |
- |
- |
- |
D1S1 |
1. Nominal Size |
1. Schedule |
- |
- |
D1D2 |
1. Nominal Size |
2. Nominal Size |
- |
- |
D1D2S1 |
1. Nominal Size |
2. Nominal Size |
1. Schedule |
- |
D1D2S1S2 |
1. Nominal Size |
2. Nominal Size |
1. Schedule |
2. Schedule |
The Unit System field specifies the unit system for the corresponding spec header geometric.
In the Short Code field, you can enter a short code to apply the corresponding geometric only to those specification items whose corresponding short code matches the specified short code. The wildcards % and _ are also applicable, where _ (underscore) represents a placeholder for a single character and % represents a placeholder for any number of characters. Short code should not be entered if you intend to enter data in the Group and Part fields.
The Group and Part fields correspond to commodity group and commodity part. They identify entries in spec items, for which the geometric is used for building idents using spec header geometrics. These columns should only be filled when the corresponding Ident Create option is selected, and a short code is not assigned.
The Table Type field shows the type of the geometric, and the Table Name field the geometric table name. Only User defined or Branches geometrics are used for creating idents using spec header geometrics.
The From1 / To1 and From2 / To2 fields specify the range of the spec header geometrics. Only those spec items, whose corresponding size ranges lie between the specified ranges, are considered for creating idents using spec header geometrics,.
Click Build Spec Idents to generate idents using the spec header geometrics.
Click Show Log File to open a window displaying the build idents log files.