Fluid color codes - Intergraph Smart Reference Data - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Reference Data Help Classic (10.1)

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On the S.60.09 Fluid Colour Codes screen, define the fluid color codes and maintain their related fluid keys.

Color codes can be assigned to fluids and fluid groups.

  1. Type the color code in the Colour Code field.

  2. Type the color description in the Short Desc and Description fields.

  3. Click Save.

  4. Type the minimum fluid key value in the Minimum field.

    The fluid key minimum represents the start value for the fluid keys related to the selected color code.

  5. Type the maximum fluid key value in the Maximum field.

    The fluid key maximum represents the highest value for the fluid keys related to the selected color code.

  6. Click Generate fluid key.

    The software searches for fluids with a color code, but not a fluid key. All the fluids that are found get a subsequent fluid key starting with the minimum specified in the Minimum field. The fluid key is counted one by one. The actual counter value appears in the Current field. This value is used for the next new fluid with the selected color code assigned, when you click the button again.

  • The fluid keys are only used by the PDS interface. See the online help of the Fluid Method field on PDS.10.01 for more information.

  • The fluid key is stored in the variable attribute FLUIDKEY which is assigned to table M_FLUIDS on the A.50.03 Tables/Attributes screen.