S.10.01 Commodity Rules - Intergraph Smart Reference Data - Help - Hexagon

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Commodity rules are user-defined rules for the commodity code generation.

In the first block, enter a name for the rule, for example, P_PIPE.

In the second block, assign the commodity tables to the rule (tables are defined in A.50.02) which should be used to create the commodity codes. Use the LOV in the Tablename field to select the tables. Select the Required check box if the table should always be used to create the commodity code.

Click Next Block to open Window 2, where the tables are arranged according to the desired commodity code structure.

The entry in the Digit Id field determines which place in the commodity code is generated by the assigned table (group or detail code). In the example above, the 8th and 9th digit are used to represent P_MATL. In addition to the tables assigned to the rule in Window 1, you can use the M_COMMODITY_GROUPS and M_PARTS tables.

Click Next Block to open Window 3, where you define a company-specific layout for the commodity code text.

The text entered in the Layout Short field will be shown in pipe classes and BOMs (Bill of Materials). The text entered in the Layout Long field will be shown in requisitions and purchase orders.

For both layout fields, the following rule has to be applied: You have to add the text "_long" to the tablenames for the Layout Long field and "_short" for the Layout Short field. For example, the original text inserted using the LOV would be #m_parts#, and the correct extended version must be: #m_parts_short#. Without this extension, the values would not be displayed in the layout text.