Reassign a workflow step - HxGN SDx - Update 64 - Help

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SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version
  1. Select a workflow step, and click Actions > Reassign.

  2. Select a user from a selected role to reassign the workflow step to that designated user.

  • You can only reassign workflow steps to a single user, not multiple users.

  • You can filter both the roles and users to narrow the list to a specific user.

  • When reassigning a workflow step:

    • A consolidate step takes precedence over the review step or document receipt notification step.

    • A review step takes precedence over the document receipt notification step.

  • You cannot reassign any notification steps.

What happens when I reassign a workflow step in a QA Review workflow?

The following table details the outcome when you reassign a workflow step to another user in a QA Review workflow:

User 1

Reassigns to User 2 who has



No workflow step

The consolidate step is reassigned to User 2.


A review step

The review step is terminated, and the consolidate step is reassigned to User 2.


A document receipt notification step

The document receipt notification step is terminated, and the consolidate step is reassigned to User 2.


No workflow step

The review step is reassigned to User 2.


A consolidate step

The review step is terminated for User 1.


A document receipt notification step

The document receipt notification step is terminated, and the review step is reassigned to User 2.

These priorities are delivered by default and can be configured by your administrator.

What happens when I reassign a workflow step in a project communication workflow?

The following table details the outcome when you reassign a workflow step to another user in a project communication workflow:

User 1 who has the step

Reassigns to User 2 who has the step


Initial review

Receipt notification

The receipt notification step is terminated, and the initial review step is reassigned to User 2.

Perform response

Consolidate responses

The perform response step is terminated for User 1.

Consolidate responses

Perform response

The perform response step is terminated, and the consolidate responses step is reassigned to User 2.

Respond to TQ

Technical query receipt notification

The technical query receipt notification step is terminated, and the respond to TQ step is reassigned to User 2.

Perform action and respond

Action receipt notification

The action receipt notification step is terminated, and the perform action and respond step is reassigned to User 2.

Perform initial review

Approve the review

Perform initial review step is terminated for User 1.

Approve the review

Perform initial review

Perform initial review step is terminated, and the approve the review step is reassigned to User 2.

Transmittal issued

Transmittal receipt notification

Transmittal receipt notification step is terminated, and the transmittal issued step is reassigned to User 2.

These priorities are delivered by default and can be configured by your administrator.