Add content, markups, and comments - HxGN SDx - Update 64 - Help

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SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

This functionality was modified in an update. For more information, see Add content, markups, and comments (modified in an update).

To add content, markups, and comments, select the Add content, markup and comments step in your To Do List.

Manage related information

  1. Select Actions > Prepare Content.

  2. In the Prepare Content dialog box, select Relationship Builder.

  3. Select the Search tab, and search for the document(s) or tags to be attached.

  4. Select one or more documents, and select RELATE.

SHARED Tip You can also relate other technical queries or actions, and transmittals to a technical query or an action.

Relate markups

  1. Select Actions > Prepare Content.

  2. In the Prepare Content dialog box, select Manage Markup Layers.

  3. In the Manage Technical Query Markup Layers or Manage Action Markup Layers dialog box, select a file name in the left summary pane.

    The Orange Warning Triangle icon indicates that the file cannot be viewed, either because the web file has not yet been generated or because the base Hexagon file is not available. See Manually generate or regenerate WebGL viewer files for Hexagon 2D and 3D files (retired) for details of how to generate the web file. Contact your administrator if the base file is unavailable.

  4. In the middle selection pane, select each markup layer you want to relate. The right pane displays the context, any text markups created by the user, any pinned actions, and the rendition relationships generated by the system.

Add comments and issue

  1. Select Actions > Prepare Content.

  2. In the Prepare Content dialog box, select Update, and add your comments and message for the recipient in the DETAILS section. The issue state becomes ISSUED.

  • To add new markups, select on file hyperlink to launch the View and Markup page.

  • When you issue the item, any documents and attached files along with the selected markup layers are converted into PDF renditions.

  • If the rendition does not generate correctly, contact your system administrator to fix the problem.