Consolidate reviews and prepare to issue - HxGN SDx - Update 64 - Help

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This functionality was modified in an update. For more information, see Consolidate reviews and prepare to issue (modified in an update).

Before sending document reviews back to contractors, you consolidate the document reviews.

What is a document review consolidation, and when should it occur?

A consolidator can complete the consolidation step even without any review completed. The consolidator compiles all the document reviews, comments, and actions as part of the document review consolidation workflow step.

The consolidator responds to each document review, either with approval or by creating a sub-review as an internal technical query asking for further information. These appear in the document reviewers To Do List for rectification. The consolidator can reject or terminate any duplicate or inappropriate actions.

The consolidator creates the consolidated review, which contains a marked-up PDF rendition file with all applicable actions. Finally, the consolidator sets the return code on the document before clicking COMPLETE to finish, which places the consolidated document on a workflow to the recipient contractor.

Consolidate the document reviews

Hexagon University Icon eLearning is available for this topic. Check it out here: HxGN SDx® | Consolidate The Review Comments.

What can a consolidator do?

The consolidator can:

  • Determine how a review proceeds by either:

    • Rejecting the review and sending any rejected actions back to the reviewer for rework.

      For any rejected actions, the state of the review and actions are set to DRAFT REJECTED. If the rejected actions are associated with a markup layer and that layer is selected to return to the contractor, warnings are given that the selected layer contains unapproved actions. The consolidator cannot complete the process to issue the document reviews to the contractor until the action is resolved, deleted, or moved to a markup layer that is not selected to return to the contractor.

    • Completing the consolidation of reviews, actions and comments and issuing them to the contractor.

    • Add one or more users as document reviewers during the review process.

      • When a consolidator adds a user, who has a document receipt notification step, as a reviewer, the document receipt notification step is replaced by a review step.

      • The new review step is assigned the same target date as that of the original step. If the review is already overdue, the added reviewer will receive an overdue step.

  • View and edit any reviews, actions, and comments in a DRAFT or RESERVED state, prior to submission for contract compliance review.

  • View all supporting documentation for every review, action, or comment.

  • View the markup layers and select which markup layers you want to associate with a specific action.

  • Make changes to the reviews, actions, or comments and then reconsolidate if a document review is rejected after a contractual compliance review.

  • Send technical queries if more information is required on an action or comment.

What happens when a consolidator requests additional reviewers for a document that is in review?

The QA Append Reviewer workflow handles the request from a consolidator to add one or more reviewers to a document that is in review. The workflow creates a review object for the appended reviewer and adds a task in the user's To Do list.

  1. In your To Do List, select a consolidation review task, and click Actions > Perform QA Review Consolidation.

    The consolidator cannot edit any document reviewer's reviews.

    1. In your To Do List, select a document review task for Perform QA Review Consolidation step.

    2. Click Actions > Add Reviewer.

    3. In the Add Recipients page, select the Role and User, and then click Finish.

  2. On the Reviews tab

    1. Review all the markups, actions, and comments.

      SHARED Tip You can select the markup layers that you want to send with an action, so that only the relevant markup layers are attached to the action.

    2. Add consolidation review comments.

  3. Accept or reject the review and any actions from the review.

    SHARED Tip Additional comments or markups may be available from other contributors outside of the review. Select Show contributor markups to see them.

  4. On the toolbar, select Document Return Code for the consolidated review. This notifies the originating company of the return status that the consolidator has set for the review, such as Acknowledged, Approved, Rejected, Reviewed, or Reviewed with Comments.

    SHARED Tip Click CREATE INTERNAL TECHNICAL QUERY to request more information from an internal resource.

  5. Click COMPLETE. The consolidated review is marked as complete and is removed from your To Do List.

    The Validate Review Supporting Information step is executed when you complete the consolidation step to check if the recipient organization has access to all the reference documents. If the validation fails, you have to either remove the reference document or update the collaborating organization on the document to complete the step.

How to identify review progress as a consolidator?

When a QA review is completed or waived, it reflects in the review progress column as a percentage. The percentage of the progress depends on the number of reviewers to the document. For example, If a document has two reviewers assigned:

Reviewer action

Review progress

Review is started but not completed by any of the reviewers

The review progress is 0.

One of the reviewers completes or waives off the review

The review progress is 50%.

You add a new reviewer

The review progress is 33.33%. (Now the number of reviewers are three and only one of them has completed the review)

You reassign a reviewer who has already completed the reviews

The review progress is calculated accordingly.

All the reviewers complete the review task

The review progress is completed and is shown as 100%.

What are Contributor markups?

Documents can also be marked up by users who are not assigned to a QA review task. The users who create the markups and comments outside the context of QA review are called as contributors.

The reason why a contributor might want to create markups outside of a QA review is to provide general observations that are shared as comments/markups and the markups provided in other context like technical queries or actions context.

Familiarize yourself with the Document Review Consolidation page 


The details of the document under review, where you can click individual tabs to see the reviews, actions, and comments to help form a consolidated review.


Displays the return code selected for the status of the consolidated review. Click CREATE INTERNAL TECHNICAL QUERY to create an internal technical query in the consolidator's organization to gather more information.


The document summary includes the name, description, revision of the document being consolidated, and the latest issue purposes, and identifies if any markups contain rejected actions.


The files and comments attached to the consolidated review along with the PDF renditions, categorized based on the issue purpose, for the consolidation. Displays the status of reviewers and contributors.


Click COMPLETE to finish your consolidated review.


The primary and reference actions. Click EDIT to modify an action or select Options to manage layers, update, or terminate an action. Warnings display if an action or action pin in a markup layer is rejected or reserved.


Displays the recipients along with the review progress information. Reviews that are in progress are shown as In Review and those not started are shown as Review not started. The consolidator and reviewers are distinguished by distinct icons.

Review the response for contractual compliance

  1. In your To Do List, select the technical query to check for compliance against the contract.

  2. Click Actions > Perform Compliance Response Review.

  3. Review the response for contractual compliance.

    SHARED Tip You can click the file hyperlink under ALL FILES tab to open the file in its native format. If you want to view the markups associated with that file:

    1. Click > Manage Response Markup Layers next to the response object.

    2. Click VIEW MARKUP to open the file in the View and Markup Response window.

If the contractual compliance review is approved, the technical query response state is set to ISSUED. If not approved, the state is set to REJECTED.