Edit files - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 46 - Help - Hexagon

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When you want to edit a file attached to a document, the file is saved to the download location on your device for editing.

  1. Select Actions > Edit Files.

  2. On the Select files to download page, select the file you want to edit.

  • The download operation can vary depending on the browser used. You can open the file and select Save, or save the file directly to your local device.

  • The document the file is attached to is set as undergoing change and the file is set as reserved for edit.

  • When you edit a file attached to a document, a new WORKING version of the document is created based on the selected revision scheme.

  • When you cancel an edit, the files on the local device may not be automatically deleted.

  • Edit Files allows you to download master files and copy files referenced by it, along with their nested reference files. As an administrator, you can prevent the copying of nested reference files by configuring methods of client API EditFiles. For more information, see Configure Edit Files action to filter nested reference files.

SHARED Tip You can view the related files by selecting a document from a results grid, and then selecting Actions > Show All Files.