Control ENS display in create forms - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 46 - Help - Hexagon

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When you configure an Engineering Numbering System (ENS) for your system, it allows project-specific identification formats to be used when creating new objects. You can control the display of ENS in object create forms using Relationship Builder by selecting or terminating the relationship between the object class definition and the configured ENS definition.

  1. In Data Model Administration > Class Definitions.

  2. Select the class definition, and select Actions > Relationship Builder.

  3. In the Relationship Items section, search for the ENS definition and relate it to the class definition to display ENS in the object create form. You can also terminate an existing relationship by clearing the ENS definition to stop the display of ENS in the object create form.

For information on how to use or configure ENS in your system, see Using ENS with documents and objects and Configure the ENS work process.