CreateClassObj client API - SmartPlant Foundation - IM Update 46 - Help - Hexagon

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This functionality was modified in an update. For more information, see CreateClassObj client API (modified in an update)

The CreateClassObj client API is used to create classified objects from a node of a classification tree.



Parameter 1

RelDef to navigate to the ClassDef

Parameter 1 default


Parameter 1 description

The relationship definition used to navigate class definition and to derive the class definition of the classified object being created.

Parameter 1 type


Parameter 2

Allow classification tree drilldown

Parameter 2 default


Parameter 2 description

Indicate whether to allow the display of a classification tree drill down when creating the new object.

Parameter 2 type


Parameter 3

UID of classification

Parameter 3 default


Parameter 3 description

The unique identification number (UID) of the top classification on the selection page that can be expanded to select the classification required.

Parameter 3 type


Parameter 4

Classification tree filtering

Parameter 4 default


Parameter 4 description

A ~ separated list of interfaces to perform classification tree filtering (optional)

Parameter 4 type


Parameter 5


Parameter 5 default


Parameter 5 description

The title that will appear on the form for creating the new classified object.

Parameter 5 type


Parameter 6

File attachment configuration

Parameter 6 default


Parameter 6 description

File attachment configuration (optional) FileClassDef~FileRelDef~ReferenceAction~SeedFileTemplateDocName. SPFFileComposition is the default relationship definition if none other is specified. The seed file document is optional. Reference file not found actions are CONTINUE|PROMPT|ABORT.

Parameter 6 type


Parameter 7

Details of secondary class (Not Supported in the Web Client)

Parameter 7 default


Parameter 7 description

Details of the secondary class to create and its relationship to the parent class definition specified in Argument 1. Use ~ as a separator.

Parameter 7 type


Parameter 8

Workflow processing option

Parameter 8 default


Parameter 8 description

  • For Desktop Client - The option selected determines whether or not creation or revision wizards should include a workflow page to choose a workflow to attach to the object. For example, None, which is the default option, indicates that no workflow page appears and no workflow is attached to the object. Other options include Select, SelectRequired, or a named workflow. For more information on the options, see Configure create object to attach workflow.

  • For Web Client - There is no workflow selection in the create pages. The Web Client chooses the applicable workflow unless a named workflow is specified. However, if more than one applicable workflow is found, the software does not attach any workflow to the object.

Parameter 8 type


Parameter 9

Not used

Parameter 10

Post method name (Not Supported in the Web Client)

Parameter 10 default


Parameter 10 description

The method that will be run on the new object. For complex objects, add ~InterfaceDefUI to identify the object on which the method will be run.

Parameter 10 type


Parameter 11

Delete local files configuration (Not Supported in the Web Client)

Parameter 11 default


Parameter 11 description

Desktop Client includes two options, separated by a ~, to control whether local files are deleted when attached and whether to expose the option for deleting local files on the form used for creation.

Web Client ignores this as it uses a different file loading process.

Parameter 11 type


Parameter 12

Not used

Parameter 13

Not used

Parameter 14

Not used

Parameter 15

Is file attachment mandatory

Parameter 15 default


Parameter 15 description

At least one file attachment is mandatory if this flag is set to true

Parameter 15 type


Parameter 16

Not used

Parameter 17

Create Form UID

Parameter 17 default


Parameter 17 description

UID of the create form to be used. (Not supported in the Desktop Client).

When configured, the selected create form will be launched during the create object process.

Parameter 17 type


Argument 4 can be used to restrict which classification nodes are available for selection based on the presence of optional interfaces.

SHARED Tip Many methods use this client API, and the list can be viewed in the Web Client. To see the methods in your system that use this client API, find the client API, right-click it, and click Show Methods.