Define new construction responsibilities with work packages - Intergraph Smart Construction - Hotfix 14 - Help - Hexagon

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Admins can add additional Construction Responsibility items in the Assignments section of the IWP Details tab.

  1. Create a new load file, such as in the example given below. In the example, any instances of "NewRole" or "New Role" represent places that your chosen name for your new role would appear.

    <Container CompSchema="" Scope="" SoftwareVersion="" IObject_ContainerID="" IObject_OBID="Auto" IObject_CreationDate="Now" IObject_TerminationDate="9999/12/31-23:59:59:999" IObject_LastUpdatedDate="Now" IObject_CreationUser="superuser" IObject_DomainUID="Auto" IObject_UniqueKey="Auto" IRel_DomainUID1="Auto" IRel_DomainUID2="Auto" >


    <IObject UID="SPC_Package_NewRole" Name="SPC_Package_NewRole"/>

    <IRel UID1="ISPC_Package" UID2="ISPC_User"/>

    <IRelDef Role1="SPC_Package" Role1DisplayName="New Role&apos;s packages" End1Locality="Across" Min1="0" Max1="*" SpecOfUID="SPC_Package_ConstructionRole" Min2="0" Max2="1" End2Locality="Across" Role2="SPC_User" Role2DisplayName="New Role"/>


    <ISchemaObj SchemaRevVer="04.02.01" ByCust="True"/>





    <IObject UID="SPC_Package_NewRole.SPFRelExpand1to2" />

    <ISPFRelDefAccessGroup SPFRelDragDrop2on1="False" SPFRelExpand2to1="False" InfoMapExpand2to1="False" InfoMapExpand1to2="False" SPFRelTerminate="False" SPFRelDragDrop1on2="False" SPFRelExpand1to2="True" />

    <IRel UID1="SPC_Package_NewRole" DefUID="SPFRelDefAccessGroup" UID2="MAG_VIEWONLY" OrderValue="10" />



    <IObject UID="{ELE_SPC_ConstructionRole_NewRole}" Name="New Role"/>

    <ISchemaObj SchemaRevVer="04.02.01" ByCust="True"/>




    <IObject UID="{EL_SPC_User_ConstructionRole_EnumType.ELE_SPC_ConstructionRole_NewRole}"/>

    <IRel UID1="{EL_SPC_User_ConstructionRole_EnumType}" UID2="{ELE_SPC_ConstructionRole_NewRole}" DefUID="Contains"/>

    <ISchemaObj SchemaRevVer="04.02.01" ByCust="True"/>



    In the Name="New Role" portion of the <EnumEnum> tag, the value entered is the display name and should look exactly how you want it to appear in Smart Construction. Do not add underscores or colons in the name.

  2. Load the file into SmartPlant Foundation Desktop Client. See Load the register output file in the Smart Construction site for more information.

  3. Add the following entry to the SPFAppServer.config file anywhere under the <appSettings> tag.

    <add key="ConstructionResponsibilityRelDefs" value="" />

  4. Enter your value using the following format: NewRoleName:SPC_Package_RelDefName (for example: Reviewer:SPC_Package_Reviewer, Senior_Surveyer:SPC_Package_SeniorSurveyor, SeniorSurveyor:SPC_Package_SeniorSurveyor). NewRoleName should match the display name given in the <EnumEnum> tag. If the display name has any spaces, NewRoleName should have underscores in place of those spaces. For example, if the display name is Name="Senior Surveyor", then the value for the configuration file is Senior_Surveyor:SPC_Package_SeniorSurveyor.

SHARED TipYou can add multiple values to a key by using a comma between the values. Do not add a space after the comma.