Update class in classification tree - Intergraph Smart Reference Data - 2020 (10.0) - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Reference Data Plus Help (2020)

Intergraph Smart Reference Data
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Smart Materials/Smart Reference Data Version
2020 (10.0)

This functionality provides you with the ability to update class data at various levels in the CMS classification tree. The functionality can be accessed through the Manage Class > Update Class command available on the shortcut menu of the classification tree view as shown below.

The shortcut key for the Update Class command is F2+F2.

The Update Class dialog box can also be opened by clicking Update Class on the toolbar.

Once you select the Update Class command from the menu or the toolbar, the dialog box shown below appears.

  • Path: This read-only field automatically displays the complete path starting from the root up to the parent node (the selected node) in the tree, where the class exists.

  • Root Node: This read-only check box is displayed as checked if the selected class is a root node. Otherwise, it is displayed as unchecked if the class has a parent class.

  • Class Name: Provide a name for the class.

  • Ctrl: You can provide the control status for the class in this field. This is an optional field.

  • NLS: This field specifies the languages (NLS) that are available in the software. You can enter the short description and description in the selected language(s).

  • S3D Data Table: Select a part class sheet to map to a CMS class. The selection list is from the SP3D 10.02 screen. Smart 3D sheet mapping to a class is unique in a class system; that is, a Smart 3D part class sheet can be mapped to only one class in a class system. This is an optional field.

    When a class is mapped to a Smart 3D sheet, the following mapping is created on the SP3D 10.04 Item Mappings screen:

    • The item mapping for the selected class system is created if it does not already exist.

    • The Item Mapping value is the first seven characters of the class system name appended with “_” and its ID.

    • The mapping of the Smart 3D sheet and the CMS class is displayed on the Sheet Dependent tab.

      The following mapping is also created on SP3D 10.07 Sheet Configs when a Smart 3D sheet is mapped to a class:

    • The sheet configuration is created for the selected class system if it does not already exist. The sheet configuration name is same as the item mapping.

    • The sheets that are mapped to classes in the selected class system are displayed in the Sheets section on the SP3D 10.07 Sheet Configs screen.

  • Supplier: You can link a selected supplier to the class using this field. The supplier can be selected from the Selection list LOV provided, which lists the supplier identification and supplier code. The supplier linked to a class is inherited to the sub-classes. This is an optional field.

  • Short Desc: Provide a brief description for the class.

  • Description: Provide a description for the class.

  • Valid Date Range: You can provide the date range within which data modification for idents of the class (including re-classification and additional classification) is permissible.

    • From: This field specifies the date from which the modification of the class idents is allowed. This is an optional field.

    • To: This field specifies the date until which the modification of the class idents is allowed. This is an optional field.

      The valid date range restriction can be overridden by the privilege OVERRIDE CLASS UPD RESTRICTION.

  • Date Range Impact: Select an option to control editing and SAP transfer outside the specified date range. You have the following options.

    • None: Choose this option if editing and SAP transfer can occur anytime.

    • No Editing: Choose this option to prevent editing outside the date range. Editing the data refers to editing the fields in the class, for the idents and their values defined for the properties of the class.

    • No SAP Transfer: Choose this option to prevent SAP transfer outside the date range.

    • No Editing and No SAP Transfer: Choose this option to prevent editing and SAP transfer outside the date range.

  • Property Data Display Preference: Select the property data display preference for tables and attributes in the Multi Ident View.

    • Table: The following options are available for table data display.

      Short Desc: Select this option to display the short description of the table detail in the Multi Ident View. If the short description is null, the table detail code will be displayed.

      TD Code: Select this option to display the table detail code in the Multi Ident View.

      Description: Select this option to display the table description in the Multi Ident View.

      ATTR_CHAR<number>: Select this option to display the UDF (user-defined function) ATTR_CHAR<number> value in the Multi Ident View.

      ATTR_NUM<number>: Select this option to display the UDF (user-defined function) ATTR_CHAR<number> value in the Multi Ident View.

    • Attribute: The following options are available for attribute data display.

      Attribute Value: Select this option to display the attribute value in the Multi Ident View.

      Description: Select this option to display the attribute description in the Multi Ident View. If the description is not available, the attribute value will be displayed. In the case of NLS dependent attributes, the description given for the logged in NLS is displayed in the Multi Ident View.

  • Key Words: A grid is provided for you to enter keywords for the class. A new keyword should be entered in a new row provided in the grid. Duplicate values for the keywords are not allowed. The keywords entered are stored for the class and will be different for different NLS. The keywords appear in the sequence they are entered.

  • Class Dependent Properties: This grid lists the default class dependent properties inheriting from the class system in which you are creating the class. The Value field can be modified to provide class specific values. By default, it takes the value assigned at the class system level. Please note that you cannot add additional class dependent properties here, nor can you remove any property. If you want to do so, navigate to the Assign Properties window once the class is created here.

  • Type Mapping: You can map the class to a Smart Reference Data commodity group, part, or commodity code.

    When type mapping is not selected at the class system level, you can select one of the following options:

    • Group: Select this option if you want to map the class to an existing Smart Reference Data commodity group. On selection, the Code field provided next to this option is enabled and also the Selection list LOV button for this field. On click of the Selection list LOV, you are provided with a list of existing groups in Smart Reference Data. You can select a group to map the class to that group.

    • Part: Select this option if you want to map the class to an existing Smart Reference Data commodity part. On selection, the group Code field and the part Code field provided next to this option are enabled and also the Selection list LOV button for these fields. Similar to the Group field, you can first select a commodity group from the Selection list LOV for the Group field, and then you can choose a part defined in that group from the Selection list LOV provided with the part Code field. You can select a part to map the class to that commodity group and part.

    • Commodity Code: Select this option if you want to map the class to an existing Smart Reference Data commodity code. On selection, the group code, the part code, and the commodity code fields provided next to this option are enabled and also the Selection list LOV button for these fields are enabled. You can select a commodity group, then a commodity part, and finally a commodity code belonging to the selected commodity group and part. The selection list items are filtered depending upon the selections made for commodity group, part, and so forth.

    • None: Select this option if you do not want to map your class to anything.

      When type mapping is selected at the class system level, the class is mapped to the commodity code.

    • Group: The commodity group of the part to which the class system is linked is displayed here. This is a read-only field.

    • Part: The part to which the class system is linked is displayed here. This is a read-only field.

    • Commodity Code: When the class is saved, a new commodity code is generated, combining the class code and the class ID. This is a read-only field.

  • Unique Key Violation Setting: You can set this option regarding what is to be done when an ident with a unique key violation (ident in a class does not meet all the LUKs defined for the class) is encountered.

    • Continue: Select this option to ignore the LUKs defined for the class. No validations will be carried out. By default, this option is selected when adding a class.

    • Warning: Select this option if validation must be carried out before creating the property for the class.

    • Error: Select this option if the violation must be treated as an error for the class.

Command Buttons

  • Save: After supplying proper values, click this button to save the changes made. After successful completion, the software displays a success message and the dialog box closes. You see one of the following depending on the Unique Key Violation Setting value.

    • If set to Continue, the UK validation is not carried out. The class is saved, and a success message appears.

    • If set to Warning, the UK validation is carried out. If the unique key for any class property is violated by the ident data, a warning message appears, which shows the unique key that is violated. The class is saved, and a success message appears.

    • If set to Error, the UK validation is carried out. If the unique key for any class property is violated by the ident data, the class cannot be updated. An error message appears, which shows the unique key that is violated.

      In any of the above cases, if LUK is not modified in the class properties, or the ident data does not violate the LUK mentioned for the class properties, the class is saved, and a success message appears.

      If the maximum character length is set at the class system level, and if the short description, description, or keywords exceed the maximum length, you must correct the number of characters, or else the class is not saved.

  • Cancel: Closes the dialog box, canceling the update class operation.