Release Notes - Intergraph Smart Materials - Version 10.1 - Help - Hexagon

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On the Release Notes tab, you can see an overview of all release notes of the current order. Here you can create, modify, delete, and approve release notes. If necessary, the approval of a release note can be reversed. Release notes can only be deleted if none of its item shipments has been placed in a package based on this release note and if no OS&D exists for the release note.

If project default ZP_CHGRELN is set to N (default), once a release note has been approved, further changes cannot be applied to the item shipments on this release note. The prerequisite for an approval is that the quantity on the release note for all item shipments is greater than 0 (zero).

If project default ZP_CHGRELN is set to Y and you have the CHANGE RELN AFTER APPROVAL privilege, you can change the release note quantity on the Item Shipments tab even after approval of the release note.

To view the item shipments of a release note, double-click on the Release Note Number field or click the Details button. To see the dates of a release note, you can click the Dates button.

This screen is a core workflow screen. For more information, see Core Workflow Screens.

The Ordered by field shows by which fields the displayed records are sorted. By default, the records are ordered by release note number. To change the order criteria, click the Order By ... button at the bottom of the screen, or select either Order by this field ascending or Order by this field descending from the pop-up menu available on the field level. If you select Order by this field descending, the field name is lengthened by '(desc)' to show that the data is currently displayed in a descending order.

The Release Note Number field displays the name/number of the release note.

Release note numbers must be unique within the project.

If project default ZP_EXPRULE is set to Y, release note numbers are automatically created. The release note rule that is applied is given by project default ZP_RN_RULE. Release note rules are maintained on the P.10.78 Expediting Rules screen. The release note number is displayed once you enter a release note date and then move to the next field or record or commit the data. Automatically generated release note numbers cannot be updated. You can double-click in this field or click the Details button to open another window where the item shipments of this release note are displayed.

For more information, see MCS.

The OSD Traffic indicator is marked if for the release note or any package or package item of the release note an OSD has been created by traffic that is not closed.

The OSD Site indicator is marked if for the release note or any package or package item of the release note an OSD has been created by site that is not closed.

In case an OSD exists, you can double-click the corresponding check box to open the P.70.74 Packages screen, where you can see the release note and scroll through all its packages and package items to see for which objects an OSD has actually been created. On P.70.74, the OSD Traffic check box is available on each level, that is, for the release note, its packages, and its package items. When you double-click this check box, the corresponding OSD screen is opened.

The Delivery Type field shows the delivery type assigned to this release note. You can double-click in this field to open the A.10.39 Delivery Designations screen where delivery types are defined. The LOV in this field only contains the delivery types of those delivery designations that have been assigned to the item shipments of the current order. But any delivery type defined on A.10.39 can be entered manually. If the delivery designation of all item shipments of the current order is identical, the delivery type of this delivery designation is used as the default value for new release notes. This default value can be changed.

The Delivery Designation field shows the name of the delivery designation of all item shipments on the release note. You can double-click in this field to open the A.10.39 Delivery Designations screen where delivery designations are defined. As long as the release note is not approved, you can change the delivery designation of all item shipments on the release note. Changing the delivery designation implies that the routing method must be changed as well. Therefore, the routing method is filled automatically with the default defined on A.10.39 when you select another delivery designation. If no default has been defined, the routing method is cleared. The LOV in this field only contains delivery designations that have been assigned to the item shipments of the current order. But any delivery designation defined on A.10.39 can be entered manually. If the delivery designation of all item shipments of the current order is identical, this delivery designation is used as the default value for new release notes. This default value can be changed.

The Routing Method field shows the name of the routing method of all item shipments on this release note. The routing method can be changed for all item shipments as long as the release note is not approved. You can only enter routing methods with a delivery designation equal to the one entered in the Delivery Designation field. When you change the delivery designation, the routing method is automatically filled with the default routing method defined on A.10.39 Delivery Designations. If no default routing method has been defined, this field is empty. But you can enter any other routing method of this delivery designation.

Updating the routing method means that the planned dates for all expediting dates are calculated again. Forecasted and actual dates are copied over from the old routing method wherever possible. The prerequisite is that you have marked some or all destinations within a routing method on P.10.53 as destinations of a special date type, for example, as the inspection or shipping date.

If the project default ZP_NEW_EXP is set to Y, that is, you are working with extended expediting, and you enter a routing method for which at least one destination exists for which no date type is set on P.10.53, a corresponding warning appears. If project default ZP_NEW_EXP is set to Y and you use the option of creating a new routing method here on P.70.72, this routing method does not contain any destinations. Because the destinations marked as 'Delivery Date' or 'Main Destination' are needed for the automatic calculation of the expediting dates, the missing information must be entered on P.10.53 as soon as possible.

You can double-click in the Routing Method field to open the P.10.53 Routing Methods screen where routing methods are maintained.

If the project default ZP_EXPDATE is set to Y and basic expediting is used (ZP_NEW_EXP is set to N) and the routing method is changed, the predicted on site date is also updated. If the actual ship date is set, this date is reduced by the transit days of the old routing method and increased by the transit days of the new routing method and used as the new predicted on site date. If the actual ship date is not set, the predicted ship date is taken instead. If the predicted ship date is also empty, the current/revised ship date is used. If this one is not filled, the promised ship date is taken.

If the project default ZP_EXPDATE is set to N, the predicted on site date remains unchanged when modifying the routing method.

The LOV in the Routing Method field only contains routing methods of the previously selected delivery designations that have been assigned to the item shipments of the current order. But any routing method of the delivery designation defined on P.10.53 can be entered manually.

If the routing method of all item shipments of the current order is identical, this routing method is used as the default value for new release notes. This default value can be changed.

The Incoterm field shows the name of the incoterm of all item shipments on the release note. The incoterm cannot be changed once a release note has been created. You can double-click in this field to open the P.10.34 Incoterms screen where incoterms are maintained. The LOV in this field only contains incoterms that have been assigned to the item shipments of the current order. But any incoterm defined on P.10.34 can be entered manually. If the incoterm of all item shipments of the current order is identical, this incoterm is used as the default value for new release notes. This default value can be changed.

The Delivery Place field shows the delivery place of all item shipments on the release note. The delivery place of a release note cannot be modified. The LOV in this field only contains delivery places that have been assigned to the item shipments of the current order. But any other delivery place can be entered manually. If the delivery place of all item shipments of the current order is identical, this delivery place is used as the default value for new release notes. This default value can be changed.

The Release Note Date field displays the date of the release note.

The Delivery Date field displays the forecasted delivery date. The forecasted delivery date is copied over for all item shipments to which the release note will be assigned.

The Ready Date field shows the date when the material can be picked up. This information must be provided by the supplier. This date is copied over as the actual date to the destination of the routing method that is defined as 'Hand-Over Point.' A ready date can only be entered as long as no bill of lading or air way bill number is entered for the release note on any means of conveyance.

The Total Weight field shows the total weight of all item shipments belonging to the release note. The weight is calculated by multiplying the release note quantity with the release note weight. The Weight Unit field displays the weight unit of the release note and the total weight. All units defined for the unit groups 'WEIGHT' and 'QUANTITY' are available for selection from the LOV. You can double-click in this field to open the A.10.12 Units of Measure screen where the units are defined. If the weight unit of all item shipments of the current order is identical, this weight unit is used as the default value for new release notes. This default value can be changed.

The Total Cost field shows the total costs of all item shipments of the release note including all other costs. Other costs can be defined on the release note level and on the release note detail level. If the currency of an other cost and the release note, or an item shipment and the release note do not match, the conversion factor entered on the A.10.13 Unit to Unit screen is used. If no factor is defined, the value '-1' is displayed.

The Currency field shows the currency of the total costs. The currency of a release note is copied over from its associated order.

The Invoice OK indicator shows if the invoice for all item shipments of this release note has been checked and marked as OK. That is, this check box is marked if the Invoice OK indicator is checked for all item shipments in the Release Note Details block. A release note can be approved regardless of the status of this check box.

The Package indicator shows if all item shipments of the release note with all their quantities have been placed on packages based on the release note. If the quantity units of the release note and the package items differ, the conversion factors entered on A.10.13 are used. If any conversion factor is missing, the release note will always be marked as being incomplete on packages.

If a tagged item is split by traffic (Split Tag on the P.70.74 Packages screen) and package quantities > 0 (zero) are entered on the detail tag level, the master tag is regarded as being packed completely.

Depending on the setting of project default ZP_PCK_QTY, the total quantity to be found in packages must either match exactly the release note quantities (ZP_PCK_QTY is set to N) or exceed the release note quantities (ZP_PCK_QTY is set to Y) for the release note to be regarded as being packed completely.

The B/L or AWB indicator shows whether a bill of lading or air way bill number has been entered on any means of conveyance (on PT.20.11 or PT.20.12). Once such an entry has been made, the approval of a release note cannot be taken back any longer.

The Approved By field shows the name of the person who approved this release note. The date on which the release note was approved is displayed in the Approved Date field.

The Number of Revisions field shows the number of times this release note was revised. Each time you reverse the approval of a release note, this counter is increased by 1.


You can click the Order By ... button to change the order by criteria for the displayed records. When you click this button, a list of values is opened, offering you all the columns currently visible in the form. Select the field by which you want the data to be ordered by in the first place. Then a second list of values comes up, allowing you to select a second field. In this way, you can select up to four fields by which the data is to be ordered. If you do not need any further fields as order by criteria, just click the Cancel button in the LOV box. After the last LOV has been closed, your last query is performed again, this time using the new order by criteria. The data is always sorted in ascending order. The selected and changed order by criteria are displayed in the Ordered by field.

Click the Details button to view all item shipments of the selected release note, like the double-click in the Release Note Number field.

You can click the Interm. Storage button to open the P.70.77 Intermediate Storage screen. For more information, see Intermediate Storage.

If you click the Dates button, a window opens where you can view and maintain the dates of the selected release note.

The number of date fields assigned to a release note depends on the routing method of its item shipments. Each destination corresponds to a date field. For each date field, three values exist: a planned date, a forecasted date, and an actual one.

As the actual inspection date is automatically set when assigning an IRC to an item shipment, you cannot update the actual date of the destination that has been marked as 'Inspection.' This also applies to the actual IRC date.

To make sure that all item shipments of a release note have the same delivery date and subsequent dates, you cannot update any forecasted or actual date once a release note has been assigned to an item shipment. For further updates of the dates, you must use the Release Note Dates window, to be accessed from the Release Notes tab with a click on the Dates button.

If detail tags have been created for a tagged item, the expediting dates of the master cannot be modified any longer.

Some events trigger an automatic setting of a forecasted or an actual date:

  • Assignment of IRC -> Actual inspection and actual IRC

  • Assignment of release note -> Forecasted delivery date

  • Ready date for release note -> Actual hand-over date

  • ETD date for means of conveyance -> Forecasted shipping

  • ATD date for means of conveyance -> Actual shipping

  • ETA date for means of conveyance -> Forecasted traffic arrival

  • ATA date for means of conveyance -> Actual traffic arrival

  • Posting of MRR -> Actual arrival on site

The Destination field displays the name of the destination.

The value in the Date Type field determines which type of date this destination represents. This information is necessary for the automatic calculation of planned and forecasted dates in the extended expediting module.

The Delivery Date indicator shows whether the destination represents the contractual delivery date. You must select this indicator for exactly one destination for each routing method if you work with extended expediting; that is, the project default ZP_NEW_EXP is set to Y.

The Forecasted Date field shows the date for which this event has been forecasted. When item shipments are created, the planned dates are copied over as default values for the forecasted dates. The forecasted dates are updated automatically when entering an actual date for a destination. See the description of Actual Dates below for more details on how this calculation works. Despite the default value and the automatic calculation, you can update a forecasted date. Once you have set it manually, the modification of the actual date of any destination lying before this destination has no effect on this forecasted date any longer. That is, the automatic calculation stops when it finds a forecasted date that has been set manually. If you update the forecasted date, the forecasted dates of all following destinations are calculated again based on the transit days. When updating the forecasted date of the destination marked as the delivery date, the forecasted dates of all previous destinations are also recalculated. But, again, these calculations end as soon as the forecasted date of a destination has been modified manually. Forecasted dates that have been set manually are highlighted by a cyan background color. To make sure that all item shipments of a release note have the same forecasted delivery date, you cannot update any forecasted date of any destination behind and including the one marked as the delivery date once a release note has been assigned to an item shipment.

The following events trigger the forecasted date of specially marked destinations to be set automatically (but nonetheless this date is marked as having been set manually):

  • If a release note is assigned to an item shipment, the forecasted delivery date of this release note is copied over as the forecasted date of the destination marked on P.10.53 as 'Delivery Date.'

  • If a means of conveyance (MOC) is defined for the release note of an item shipment, the ETD date of the means of conveyance is copied over if the loading point of this transportation is a destination marked as date type 'Shipping.' This also refers to the item shipments on release notes that have been grouped on an MMT that is assigned to a MOC. If the loading point does not represent such a destination but a shipping destination has been assigned to the release note on the MOC, the ETD date of the MOC is copied over to that shipping destination.

  • If a means of conveyance (MOC) is defined for the release note of an item shipment, the ETA date of the means of conveyance is copied over for the destination marked as date type 'Traffic Arrival' if the unloading point of this transportation equals the delivery designation of the release note / item shipment. Again, this also refers to the item shipments on release notes that have been grouped on an MMT that is assigned to a MOC. If the unloading point does not fulfill this criterion but a shipping destination has been assigned to the release note on the MOC and this shipping destination is the last or only shipping destination of the associated routing method, the ETA date of the MOC is copied over to the destination of type 'Traffic Arrival'. In both cases, if no destination of type 'Traffic Arrival' exists but a destination of type 'Arrival On Site' does exist, this one will be updated instead.

  • If more than one shipping destination has been defined for a routing method and a shipping destination has been provided for the release note on a MOC, the ETA/ATA date of the MOC is copied over as the forecasted date for the next shipping destination within the routing method.

The Actual Date field shows the date on which this event actually took place. If you save an actual date to the database, an automatic calculation of the forecasted dates starts. This calculation uses the transit days for the routing method of the item shipment entered on P.10.53. The automatic calculation stops if another actual date has been found or if the forecasted date has been set manually. If you enter an actual date for a destination the sequence of which is lower than the sequence of another destination for which an actual date has already been entered, the calculation stops at the destination of higher sequence. If you delete an actual date, the calculation uses the actual date of any destination with a lower sequence where the actual date is still set. If such a destination cannot be found, the forecasted date of the actual destination is used as the starting point for the recalculation of the forecasted dates of the next destinations.

The actual dates must be in ascending order. If, nevertheless, the actual dates are not in an ascending order, this has been caused by a change of the routing method of the item shipment or an update of the routing method schedule. In this case, the sequence of some date types has been changed. For example, the event 'Shipping' now takes place after the destination marked as 'IRC Date,' but actual dates were already set for 'IRC Date' and 'Shipping,' which had a reverse order before the updates were done.

Once a release note has been assigned to an item shipment, you cannot update any actual date of any destination behind and including the one marked as the delivery date.

The following events cause the actual date to be set automatically.

  • If an IRC is assigned to an item shipment, the actual inspection date is copied over to the destination that has been marked on P.10.53 as 'Inspection.' The IRC date is copied over to the destination of type 'IRC.'

  • If the date of readiness is set for a release note of an item shipment on P.70.74 Packages, this date is copied over to the destination marked as 'Hand-Over Point.'

  • If the ATD date is entered for a means of conveyance (MOC) to which the release note of the item shipment has been assigned and the loading point of which is a destination marked as 'Shipping,' this ATD date is copied over as the actual date for this destination. This also refers to the item shipments on release notes that have been grouped on an MMT that is assigned to a MOC. If the loading point does not represent such a destination but a shipping destination has been assigned to the release note on the MOC, the ATD date of the MOC is copied over to that shipping destination.

  • If the ATA date is entered for a means of conveyance (MOC) to which the release note of the item shipment has been assigned and the unloading point of which is the delivery designation of the release note / item shipment, this ATA date is copied over as the actual date for the destination marked as 'Traffic Arrival.' Again, this also refers to the item shipments on release notes that have been grouped on an MMT that is assigned to a MOC. If the unloading point does not fulfill this criterion but a shipping destination has been assigned to the release note on the MOC and this shipping destination is the last (or only) shipping destination of the associated routing method, the ATA date of the MOC is copied over to the destination of type 'Traffic Arrival.' In both cases, if no destination of type 'Traffic Arrival' exists but a destination of type 'Arrival On Site' does exist, this one will be updated instead.

  • If you post a material receiving report (MRR), the actual date of the destination that is of type 'Arrival On Site' is filled. Depending on the setting of project default ZC_UPD_EXP, this is either the date of the material receipt ('Y') or the posting date of the MRR ('N').

Back on the Release Notes tab, you can click the Other Costs button to open the D.50.12 Attached Other Costs screen where you can attach other costs to release notes.

Other costs on the release note level can only be modified as long as the complete invoice has not been checked and marked as OK, that is, if at least one item shipment exists for which the Invoice OK indicator has not been set. However, whether a release note is approved or not does not affect the modifiability of the other costs.

Click the Approve button to approve the selected release note. A release note can only be approved if at least one item shipment has been assigned to it and if the quantity on the release note for each item shipment is greater than 0 (zero). If the project default ZP_CHK_HQT is set to Y, a release note can only be approved if the release note quantities match the heat number quantities. If the project default is set to N (default), this check is not performed.

Approving a release note means that the Approved By and Approved Date fields are set. Once a release note has been approved, no further changes can be applied to its item shipments. If you have the ALLOW CHG RLN DATE FIELDS privilege, you can change the Release Note Date, Delivery Date, and Ready Date fields even after the release note has been approved and the release note has been assigned to a MOC in PT.20.11 Means of Conveyance and the B/L or AWB (bill of lading or air way bill) box is filled..

You can click the Reverse Approval button to take back the approval of a release note. The approval of a release note cannot be reversed once a bill of lading or air way bill number has been entered for the release note on any means of conveyance. This can easily be checked by looking at the B/L or AWB check box.

If an MRR has been created for the release note, the approval cannot be taken back. In this context, it is irrelevant whether the MRR is posted or not.

The approval of release notes that have been assigned to a material movement ticket (MMT) cannot be reversed either. This only applies to the highest revision of an MMT regardless of whether this highest revision of the MMT is approved. That is, if a release note has been assigned to any lower revision of that MMT but has been removed later on, the approval of the release note can be reversed nevertheless.

If you reverse the approval, the Approved By and Approved Date fields are cleared and the counter for revisions is increased by 1.

The last line at the bottom of the tab can be used to easily populate a release note with item shipments belonging to the same IRC. Select the name/number of the IRC the item shipments of which are to be assigned to the release note from the LOV in the IRC Number field. If the approval of an IRC is required to continue the workflow (that is, the project default ZP_IRCAPRQ is set to Y), only approved IRCs can be entered. In the Last Info Date field, you can enter the last date on which any information has been entered for an item shipment. This is an optional field. If you enter a value, it will be copied over on the item shipments that are assigned to the release note. Future dates are not allowed for this field. In the Info Type field, you can enter the type of the last information update. This is an optional field. If you enter a value, it will be copied over on the item shipments that are assigned to the release note. You can double-click in this field to open the P.10.56 Events and Tasks screen where tasks are defined. If the Overwrite indicator is checked, item shipments that have already been assigned to a release note will also be assigned to the selected release note. The prerequisite is that the release note is not approved. If you do not select this check box, only item shipments that are not assigned to a release note will be taken into account. After you have entered an IRC number, the Populate button is enabled. When you click this button, all item shipments assigned to the selected IRC are assigned to the release note. Depending on the setting of the Overwrite check box, only item shipments without a release note (check box not set) or all item shipments (check box set) the release note of which has not been approved are taken into account.

The item shipments on a release note must all have the same values for the delivery designation, routing method, incoterm, and delivery place. If the item shipments do not have the same values for these fields, you are asked whether you want these fields to be updated. If you click Yes, the values of the release note are copied over on the item shipments to be assigned. If you click No, the item shipments are not assigned to the release note.

By default, the quantity and weight of the IRC are copied over on the release note. But these values can be changed.

No conversion of the weight is done if the weight unit of the item shipment and the release note are not identical.

One destination of the item shipment’s routing method is defined as the delivery date, indicated by the selected Delivery Date check box. The delivery date of the release note is copied to the Forecasted Date field of this destination.