Direct Receiving - Intergraph Smart Materials - Version 10.1 - Help - Hexagon

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Smart Materials/Smart Reference Data Version

Direct receiving means receiving material on site without any delivery note. For material direct receiving, use the C.20.03 Prepare MRR by Direct Receive screen.

This screen is a CWS (core workflow screen). For more information, see Core Workflow Screens.

You can double-click in several of the fields to open a new screen. The table below lists the fields and which screen the double-click will open:

Double-click in field

To open the following screen:

MRR Number

C.20.09.07 OSD for Direct Receive

MRR Create Date

C.20.06 Bar Codes

Matl Recv Date

C.20.08 Received Heat Numbers

MTR/Voucher Number

C.20.09.05 OSD for MTR/Voucher

Site Code

C.10.03.02 Bin Locations


C.10.02 Warehouses


C.10.01 Locations

Recv Status

C.10.06 Site Material Status

Ident Code

C.20.08 Received Heat Numbers

Size 1

C.20.09.07 OSD for Direct Receive

Tag Number

S.80.25 Tag Description and History

Plate Number

C.10.24 Steel Plates

Heat Number

C.10.04 Heat Numbers

To create a material receiving report (MRR), enter the receiving date in the Matl Recv Date field or select it from the LOV. Then select the receiving type from the drop-down list in the Recv Type field. The available values are listed below.

  • Client Supply (C)

  • Other Project Supply (P)

  • Field PO (F)

  • Others (O)

  • Other Site (S)

  • MTR / Voucher (V)

The type Others is set as the default. When you have selected the type MTR / Voucher, you can select an MTR/voucher created on the C.20.15 screen from the LOV in the MTR/Voucher Number field. The LOV shows the MTR / Vouchers with status ‘IN TRANSFER’. The other receiving types can be used for reporting purposes or MRR selection on this screen; they are not used anywhere else in Smart Materials.

If the project default ZC_BIN_LOC is set to BLOC, you must select a site code from the LOV in the Site Code field. Next, select the warehouse from the LOV in the Warehouse field and the location from the LOV in the Location field. The status was set automatically when the project default ZC_STATUS is set. You can change it by selecting a status from the LOV in the Recv Status field. The warehouse, location, and status entered on the MRR header level will be used as the default for the MRR details and the inventory receipts.

MRR descriptions can be entered in the Short Desc and Description fields. The next fields are optional and free text fields. The name of the person who received the material can be entered in the Received By field, the name of the shipper in the Shipper field, and any shipper reference number in the Shipper Ref No field. Finally, save the new MRR.

Populate MTR/Voucher button

If the receiving type of the MRR is ‘MTR / Voucher’, the Populate MTR/Voucher button is enabled. This button can be used to populate all items of the selected voucher to the Inventory Receipts block.

Populate Cart Idents button

The Populate Cart Idents button can be used to select a cart and to populate its data into the Inventory Receipts block. The carts are defined and maintained in the SPRD Explorer; click the SPRD Explorer button to open the SPRD Explorer. This functionality is not available for receiving into the corporate warehouse.

Include Barcodes button

The Include Barcodes button is only enabled for MRRs with revision 0 and those that have not been posted. This functionality is not available for receiving into the corporate warehouse. When you click this button, all tag numbers that can be found for you in the C.20.06 Barcodes screen will be inserted as inventory receipts of this MRR. The site code, warehouse, location, and receiving status assigned to the barcode will be populated to the inventory receipt. Missing values are taken from the MRR header. Prerequisites to use this button: a default item type for the item rule 'TFM' must be defined on A.10.15, and a commodity part must be assigned to the project default ZB_TAGPART. All tag numbers successfully copied over to the inventory receipts are marked as used on C.20.06.

Import button

The Import button can be used to import MRRs for direct receiving including OSDs from an Excel sheet.

This button is only active if the MRR has revision 0 and the MRR is not posted.

To use this functionality, the Excel template Excel_import_direct_mrr_template.xls must be available on the application server in the download directory. This template and the example file Excel_import_direct_mrr_example.xls are installed in the directory ..\others\excel_templates on the application server. See the example to find out how to fill out the Excel sheet. If you want to create an OSD for an IRC line, the OSD must be entered after the IRC.



In this example, two OSDs will be generated for the IRC line.

If you click the Import button, a new window opens.

The name of the Excel file is automatically generated and displayed in the File Name field.

The Directory field is filled with the value assigned to the DBA setting MRR_IMPORT_DEST (directory of application server). Both fields are not updateable.

If you click the Import excel file button, the Upload Files browser window opens where you can browse for the file to be uploaded from your local computer. After you upload this Excel file, the message ‘Do you want to continue?’ appears. Click Yes to continue.

Attachments button

The Attachments button can be used to open the D.90.21 Attachments screen where you can attach attributes and documents to the MRR. The D.90.21 screen shows the MRR number in the header of the screen when it was opened from a receiving screen. If D.90.21 was opened from C.20.01 or C.20.01.02, attached attributes of item shipments with their values are shown automatically in the Attached Attributes block. If you create a new revision of an MRR, the attributes are copied to the new revision. In the case of an MRR or line item deletion, the attached attributes are also deleted. The attributes can be changed / added / deleted at any time, regardless of whether the MRR was posted or has a revision greater than 0.

In the second (Inventory Receipts) block, you can enter idents to be received into the inventory. This can be done using the Populate Cart Idents or Include Barcodes buttons as described above, or manually using the LOV in the Ident Code field.

Select the ident to be entered and click the OK button to close the LOV and insert the selected ident.

When saving the inventory receipt item, the Site Code, Warehouse, Location, and Recv Status fields are automatically populated from the MRR header, but can be changed.

Enter the receiving quantity in the Received Quantity field.

Heat Numbers

If the material was received with a heat number, you can select the heat number and related information like certificate, manufacturer, and file location from the LOV in the Heat Number field. If the heat number was not entered on C.10.04 before, you can enter the new heat number with the associated certificate number, manufacturer, and file location here. This heat number will also be saved on C.10.04 when the changes are saved. Material received with an assigned heat number can only be issued with this heat number. This means that inventory items with the same ident code but different heat numbers are handled separately.

To generate and assign heat numbers automatically, you can use the Unique No button at the bottom of the screen. This button is enabled if

  • the MRR is not posted,

  • the MRR revision is 0 (zero),

  • a heat number is not entered (inventory receipts with assigned heat numbers cannot be split),

  • and, in case of a tagged item, the tag was not slit.

If you click Unique No, a dialog opens where you specify for which inventory receipt items you want to assign heat numbers.


Select Selected to apply the changes to the selected inventory receipt item only, or select Queried to apply the changes to all queried items. Click Continue to proceed.

Another dialog opens where you define the number of splits you want create.


If project default ZC_QTYUNIT is set to N (default) and the unit of the line item is assigned to unit set EACH, the Selected option is not available and deactivated.

Select Maximum to create as many splits as the received quantity of the item. For example, the received quantity is five, you would create five inventory items with a received quantity of one. Or select Selected and enter the number of splits you want create in the box besides. For example, the received quantity is five, and you enter 3 in the box, you would create three inventory items, two with a received quantity of one, and one with the remaining three. Click OK to continue. The inventory items are split according your selection, the heat numbers are automatically generated using the m_pck_site_custom.auto_heat_number CIP and entered in the Heat Number fields, and the original inventory item is deleted.

Another method to assign (multiple) heat numbers to received material is to use the C.20.08 Received Heat Numbers screen, called by a double-click in the Sub field. For more information, see Received Heat Numbers. When heat numbers are assigned to the inventory receipt item on the C.20.08 screen, the Ident Code field is displayed with a magenta background color.

For more information, see Heat Number Logic.

Approval Sequence button

If an approval template is assigned to project default ZC_MRRAPPR, and you select the RfA check box, this approval template is copied to the approval sequence of this MRR after you acknowledge a message.

After saving, click Approval Sequence to open the A.20.49 Approval Sequence screen. When all approvers have approved, the Post button is enabled and you can post the MRR.

If an approval template is assigned to the project default ZC_MRRAPPR, the MRR must be approved before you can post the MRR. If this project default is not set, you can post the MRR without approval.

Post button

To complete the material receiving, click the Post button in the first block. This will insert the material assigned to the selected MRR in the inventory to make it available for issue and reservation. Moreover, the posted date of the MRR is set and the MRR can no longer be changed.

The Post button is only enabled for MRRs with details (inventory receipts).

The CIP m_pck_site_custom.check_before_post_mrr is executed when you click the Post button. You can use this CIP to implement any checks or actions to be performed before the MRR is posted.

Unpost button

To undo the MRR posting, you can click the Unpost button. This will cancel all posted inventory receipts of the selected MRR. Unpost is only possible as long as the available quantity (on-hand) in the inventory is sufficient. The warehouse, location, and receiving status of the inventory item must be the same as on the MRR for the calculation of the on-hand quantity. If the quantity is not sufficient to unpost the inventory receipts, an appropriate message will appear.

The Unpost button is only enabled for posted MRRs as long as no higher revision exists of this MRR.

Revision button

To create a new revision for the MRR, click the Revision button. With an MRR revision, you can only change the receiving quantities of material (idents) received by a previous revision of the same MRR. You cannot add new material or change the warehouse, location, or receiving status.

If the project default ZC_REV_ALL is set to 'YES', all inventory receipts of the previous MRR revision will be included when creating a new revision. If you change a receiving quantity, the Qty changed indicator will be marked automatically. Only lines with quantity changes will be revised and posted to the inventory when posting this MRR revision.

The Revision button is only enabled for posted MRRs with the highest revision of this MRR.

If the revision of an MRR is 0 and the MRR is not posted, you can apply changes to the warehouse, location, and so forth. After posting the MRR, no more updates or inserts of inventory receipts are allowed. A posted MRR cannot be deleted.

If the revision of an MRR is greater than 0, you can only select line items that were already placed on the MRR with revision 0 and update the received quantity. No other changes (for example, selecting another warehouse) are possible. Every revision overwrites all quantities already received on this MRR with the same MRR number.

Attachments button

The Attachments button at the bottom of the screen can be used to open D.90.21 Attachments, where you can attach attributes to the selected MRR line item.