Expediting - Intergraph Smart Materials - Version 10.1 - Help - Hexagon

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For the Expediter Workload > Expediting Details screen, the following apply:

  • Tagged items can only be split if the item has not been split by quantity. In other words, splitting is possible only if exactly one item shipment with a quantity of 1 exists for an order line item (apart from the created detail tags).

  • If detail tags are created by expediting, they are either created on the order line item or on the item shipment level, depending on the setting of the ZP_SP_POLI project default and the first occurrence of a split.

  • If ZP_SP_POLI is set to Y, detail tags are always created on the order line item level independent of the time/stage/level the first split occurs. If ZP_SP_POLI is set to N, detail tags are created on the order line item level if some detail tags have already been created during the inquiry or the order cycle. This is because splitting is only possible on one level. If splits are created for the first time by expediting (or later by traffic or site), these detail tags will be created on item shipment level.

  • Splits are created on the order line item level, and although the order has already been approved, an additional line item and a corresponding item shipment are added. If splits are created on the order line item level, the Pos, Sub, IS Pos, and IS Sub fields are displayed in blue letters. If splits are created on the item shipment level, only the IS Pos and IS Sub fields are shown in blue letters.

  • If splits are created on the order line item level, a message is displayed asking you whether you want the changes to be taken over to the order line item as well when updating the quantity or the quantity unit of the item shipment of a detail tag. The position of master and detail tags is identical. You can set the sub-position of the master tag to 0, and the sub-positions of the detail tags are increased by 1 for each detail tag. Depending on which level detail tags are created, this refers either to the position / sub-position of the order line item or of the item shipment. If all detail tags have been deleted, the sub-position of the master is reset to 1.

  • Unlike all other item shipments, the quantity unit of detail tags can be modified.

  • Once detail tags have been created, an additional item shipment cannot be created for the master tag, and its quantity cannot be changed any longer (independent from the level on which detail tags were created).

  • The item shipment quantity of a new detail tag is set to 1 and should be updated to the correct value. The split must be inserted with a quantity of 1 because in the screens of the basic expediting module, item shipments are displayed only if their quantity is greater than 0. If the split is performed on the order line item level, the quantity of the order line item is 1 as well.

  • When you update a master tag and save the changes, you will be asked for most of the date fields and some other fields, whether these changes should be applied to the detail tags as well. This feature is not available for the following fields because it either does not make sense to copy the values (weight, volume, dimensions), the validations that must be performed are too complex (delivery designation and routing method must match), or the automatic calculation of further date field is triggered considering the transit days of the routing methods that can differ for each detail tag (Curr/Rev Prom Ship, Pred Ship, Actual Ship):

    • Curr/Rev Prom Ship

    • Pred Ship

    • Actual Ship

    • Item Ship Weight

    • Item Ship Volume

    • Dimensions

    • Delivery Designation

    • Routing Method

  • The values taken from a master tag to its detail tags works for splits created on the order line item level and splits created on the item shipment level.

  • On the P.70.31 Shipment Groups screen, the values only work in the third (Item Shipments) block. Changes are not populated when applied in the second (Shipment Groups) block.

  • When you set one of the following dates for the last detail tag (that means, the date is now set on all detail tags), the latest date of all detail tags is copied to the master tag:

    • Curr/Rev Prom Ship

    • PO Actual

    • Final Inspect

    • Ready Actual

    • Actual Ship

    • Actual On Site

    • Actual Fab Start

    • Actual Fab Comp

  • The item shipment weight, the weight unit, and the selection code of a master tag cannot be updated.

  • Once a detail tag has been created, the master cannot be placed on any MCS, IRC, or release note, and it cannot be updated any longer, including the expediting dates. Only the detail tags can be tracked, controlled, and received. For the master tag, you can only update the Outstanding Work List field and the OWL Comp indicator.