Load Traffic - Intergraph Smart Materials - Version 10.1 - Help - Hexagon

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The P.80.02 Load Traffic screen provides a tool for importing traffic data quickly and easily. You can import all data corresponding to the P.80.51 Traffic Fast screen. That is, you can import means of conveyance, bills of lading (BOL), containers, and traffic quantities for item shipments.

Before importing traffic data, you must set a few DBA settings on the A.60.04 DBA Settings screen:

TRAFFIC_IMPORT_PATH - Assign a default directory on the database server that can be entered in the Import Path field by clicking the Default Dir button.

RBS_TRAFFIC - Assign a specific rollback segment that will be used by the import procedures. This rollback segment is needed if you import a huge amount of data.

The necessary steps for importing traffic data are:

  1. Transfer the import file to a properly configured directory on the database server.

  2. Create an appropriate import job definition on this screen.

  3. Perform the actual import procedure.

  4. Check the import protocol for an overview of the import routine.

    If errors occurred, these errors are listed in an error file. This file has the same name as the log file with the extension ".err". You can edit this file manually with a text editor and use it again as a new import file.

To create a new import job, enter the name of the job in the Job Code field. The Job Status field shows the ‘NEW’ status for a new job. Possible values are listed below.

  • NEW - Job definition has been entered but the job has not been started yet.

  • RUNNING - Import job is currently being performed.

  • READY - Import job has run and has been terminated successfully.

  • ERROR - Import job has run and has been terminated unsuccessfully.

  • STARTED - Import job has been started.

The Import Path field displays the file system path where the import file is loaded from. This path is relative to the database server. Click the Upload button to open a browser window, where you can specify a file to be uploaded. Click Browse, select the file, and click Submit Query to send the request. Close the browser window.

You can enter a comment about this job in the User Comment field.

If you select the Replace check box, the import job deletes existing means of conveyance (MOC) first before importing the (updated) data from the import file. The existing MOCs are only deleted if they are not yet used in Smart Materials.

After saving this job definition, click the Start button to start the upload of traffic data from the selected file.

The structure required for the input file is described below.

Different line type indicators are used to distinguish between the different traffic objects. Each line in the import file must begin either with one of these indicators or with *** to indicate a comment line. Additionally, blank lines are allowed.

Each line type indicator and each individual value must be delimited by the pipe character (|). If a value is to be omitted, the pipe character is required nevertheless.

The sequence of the fields within a line is fixed.

The following objects and fields can be imported:

Means of Conveyance

  • CSH (line type indicator)

  • Carrier Name (mandatory)

  • Voy or Flt Num (mandatory)

  • ETD Date (mandatory)

  • ETA Date

  • ATD Date

  • ATA Date

  • Loading Point

  • Unloading Point

  • Name 1

  • Name 2

Bills of Lading (BOLs)

  • BOL (line type indicator)

  • BOL Number (mandatory)

  • Invoice Number

  • BOL Weight (mandatory)

  • Weight Unit

  • BOL Volume (mandatory)

  • Volume Unit

  • BOL Pieces (mandatory)

  • BOL Dim

  • Custom Clearance Predicted

  • Custom Clearance Actual


  • CNT (line type indicator)

  • Container Number (mandatory)

  • Weight (mandatory)

  • Weight Unit

  • Volume (mandatory)

  • Volume Unit

  • Dimensions

  • Short Desc

  • Description

Item Shipments

  • ISH (line type indicator)

  • Traffic Quantity (mandatory)

  • Recv Status

  • Order Number (mandatory)

  • Suppl (mandatory)

  • Order Type (mandatory)

  • Origin (mandatory)

  • Pos (mandatory)

  • Sub (mandatory)

  • IS Pos (mandatory)

  • IS Sub (mandatory)

An example of an import file is displayed below.

*** Beginning of input file ***


CSH|UPS|LH200|02.03.2000|02.03.2000|04.03.2000|04.03.2000|NEW YORK|SID NEY|MS-100||

*** BOL ***








CSH|UPS|LH300|02.03.2000|02.03.2000|04.03.2000|04.03.2000|NEW YORK|SID NEY|MS-100||





CSH|UPS|LH400|02.03.2000|02.03.2000|04.03.2000|04.03.2000|NEW YORK|SID NEY|MS-100||






*** End of input file ***

The following date formats can be used:



  • DD-MON

  • MM/DD

  • MM/RR


  • MM/DD/RR







In the Job Execution Statistics section, you can view the job results. The user who started the job is displayed in the Job Start User field. The date and time when the job was started and finished are displayed in the Start Date and End Date fields.

The name of the log file of this job including the path is shown in the Log File field. The log file name always starts with TRF, followed by a unique sequential number; the file extension is .log. The log file contains a statistic showing how many records were read, inserted, and rejected.

The Execution Summary field shows a short summary of the job execution.

In the Job Control section, you can click the View Online Log button to retrieve the log file. Or, click the View Error Log button to retrieve the error file.

  • The Load Traffic functionality can only be performed by one user at a time. To prevent more than one user starting an import job, the job table is locked exclusively when the execution of the import job is started. Because this job table is also used for loading expediting data, you cannot work with this module if another user has started a job on the P.70.01 screen to import expediting data.

  • The import file is read line by line. Each line must start with a line type indicator. The following indicators are allowed:

    • CSH (means of conveyance)

    • BOL (bill of lading)

    • CNT (container)

    • ISH (item shipment)

      Moreover, you can put blank lines and comment lines (starting with ***) in the input file.

  • The sequence of these line type indicators as given above must be observed because a container, for example, can only be inserted below a bill of lading (BOL). Therefore, you cannot start your import file with a line of type CNT. If you want to insert more than one object of one type below another type, you just repeat this line type.

  • Data can only be inserted but not updated. If an object can already be found in the database, it is only used for retrieving the necessary keys for inserting the following objects of lower levels. For example, a means of conveyance has already been saved and now the BOL and the container of this means of conveyance are to be imported.

  • When bills of lading (BOL) are imported, the invoice number will be checked for uniqueness. If the invoice number is not unique within the project, the BOL will still be inserted, but you will find a message as a warning in the error file.

  • Descriptions for containers will be inserted for the language you are logged in with at the moment you start the job.

  • The values found in the input file for the Weight Unit and Volume Unit fields (for BOLs and containers) will be checked against the 'WEIGHT' and 'VOLUME' unit groups on A.10.12 Units of Measure.

  • When the traffic quantities are inserted, the item shipments will be ordered by order, order position/sub position, and item shipment position/sub position.

  • If a change order exists for an order, it will be taken into account. You may not put a change order in the input file, only purchase orders (PO) or notices of commitment (NOC). These POs or NOCs must have already been approved.

  • If the receiving status is missing in the import file, the status defined by the project default ZC_STATUS will be used instead.

  • The traffic quantities will be checked against the item shipment quantities. If the sum of all traffic quantities entered for an item shipment exceeds the quantity of the item shipment, a warning message is written to the error file.