Server settings - j5 - 28.0 - Installation & Upgrade - Hexagon

j5 Installation and Upgrade

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Installation & Upgrade
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Server settings configured during the j5 Setup Wizard can be changed in the Server Settings node using the j5 System Management Console.

  • Allow Broken Startup: This allows j5 to start up even when applications it depends on fail to start correctly. This setting should be used with caution and only as an emergency measure. The default is False.

  • Allow Frame Ancestors: This allows j5 to be embedded in other intranet sites. By default, j5 sends instructions to the browser to prevent any j5 pages from being included by a web page outside of the j5 domain. This is to prevent clickjacking (attackers hijack a web page and overlay their own content in order to deceive users). If embedding is required, the domains permitted to embed a j5 page can be specified here. They should be specified as or Multiple domains can be specified, separated by whitespace.

    • IE11 does not support the directives we use to allow embedding in other sites.

    • Specifying sites under this setting disables clickjack prevention on IE11 (and Edge earlier than April 2017). Clickjack prevention still works on other browsers. For more information, please contact j5 support.

  • Archive IndustraForm Attachments: When true, IndustraForm attachments are archived into another store after the configured retention period. The default is False.

  • Automatic Logout: Inactivity Timeout: The number of minutes of inactivity before a user's session times out and they are automatically signed out. The default is 30 minutes. You can enter any time period (in minutes) in this field.

  • Automatic Logout: Maximum Disable Period: The maximum amount of time a user can disable the automatic sign out. The available options are 5m, 15m, 30m, 1h, 2h, 4h, 8h, and 12h. The default is 2 hours.

    With the default 30-minute inactivity timeout period and the default 2-hour maximum disable period, the default disable period options available to the end users are 1h and 2h (the options are greater than the configured Inactivity Timeout period and maxed at 2 hours because of the Maximum Disable Period). When the selected Maximum Disable Period is less than or equal to the Inactivity Timeout period, the Disable automatic logout option is disabled.

  • Attachments Archive Store: Determines where the archived IndustraForm attachments are stored. This defaults to archive. The archive store needs to be set up before the server settings changes can be saved and verified. To set up the archive store, refer to Set up an Attachments Archive Store.

  • Attachments Retention Period: Determines the number of months (1 month = 30 days) after which the IndustraForm attachments are moved into the archive store. The default is 2 (60 days).

  • Broadcast Message: Displays the location of the file that contains the broadcast message. Select [...] to choose the location.

  • Change Profile Redirects to Home URL: When true, changing your profile redirects you to the Home URL rather than keeping the same URL.

  • Concurrent BIRT report limit: This limits how many report the j5 reporting service can process at once. When this limit is exceeded, the overflow is queued. Set this to a lower number if you are experiencing memory issues. The default is 3.

  • Concurrent BIRT report timeout: Determines how long a report waits in the queue before it times out. The 503 Service Unavailable error occurs if the report is not processed before the end of this period. The default is 280 seconds.

  • Data Directory for Indexing and Messaging Services: The indexing and messaging services create the activemq and solr folders in a data folder. This field determines where the data folder for these services is stored. The data folder is stored in C:\ProgramData\j5\data by default.

  • Disable Schema Management: When true, this disabled the database schema migration management and relies on j5 making changes on startup. The default is False.

  • Embed PDF Fonts: When true, PDF fonts are embedded in BIRT-generated PDF reports. This fails if you don't have embeddable fonts installed on your server (refer to Configure PDF fonts for steps on how to install fonts on your j5 Server). The default is False.

  • Enable applying 'Auto Select Single Options' to Default Log used in rights: When true, the auto select single options are applied to the default log for rights. This setting allows for backwards compatibility; it is not required for all versions of j5. The default is False.

  • Enable PDF/A Conformance: Select PDF/A-1b so you can export PDF/A-1b conformant files of your IndustraForm entries and reports. When PDF/A-1b is selected, you need to select True for the Embeded PDF Fonts field.

  • Enable SMP session cookie limitations: When using SMP for j5 Mobile, set this setting to True so that your licenses don't get consumed. Do not enable this setting if SMP is not used. The default is False.

  • IndustraForm Commits Archive: When true, IndustraForm commits are archived into another store after the configured retention period.

  • IndustraForm Commits Archive Store: Determines where the archived IndustraForm commits are stored. This defaults to sf_commit_packs. The archive store needs to be set up before the server settings changes can be saved and verified. To set up the archive store, refer to Set up IndustraForm commits archive store.

  • IndustraForm Commits Pack Size (Advanced): Determines the number of commits to pack at a time. The default is 5000.

  • IndustraForm Commits Retention Period: Determines the number of months (1 month = 30 days) after which IndustraForm commits are moved into the archive store. This excludes the HEAD commits. The default is 2 (60 days).

  • Installation Type: Allows you to change your j5 installation type: Development, Staging, or Production.

  • Instance Title: Allows you to name the running j5 instance.

  • j5 Service Username: Allows you to change the j5 Service user name. This default to NetworkService.

  • Landing Page: Users are directed to this URL when they sign in.

  • License File: Displays the location of the license file used to run j5.

  • Max memory usage for the IndustraForm Service (MB): Allows you to change the maximum memory usage for the IndustraForm service. We recommend that you assign 1000MB or more to this process.

  • Mobile Assets Database Validity Time span: Allows you to change the number of days the assets database is valid on a mobile device before it is automatically downloaded to the device again. Set to -1 to disable the automatic download. The default is 7 days.

  • Number of IndustraForm Services: Sets the number of IndustraForm services. These services handle IndustraForm requests such as refreshing external data, updating data for PDF exports, and initializing new IndustraForms. This setting default to 1 service.

  • Number of IndustraForm Side-Effects Worker Threads: This field sets the number of IndustraForm side-effects worker threads. These side-effects worker threads process side-effects such as writing to tags, sending emails, refreshing external data, and so on. This setting defaults to 1 thread. We recommend that you set this to 4 threads.

    The side-effects worker threads communicate with the j5 IndustraForm Service. Each IndustraForm Service can only handle a limited number of threads at a time, so when this setting is increased, you should consider whether the number of IndustraForm Services should also be increased. This needs to be done with caution and careful testing on your QA server before it is deployed to your production server.

  • Number of j5 Processes: Allows you to change the number of j5 Application server processes used.

  • Periodic restart time for services: When a time is set, j5 will restart the j5 reporting and IndustraForm services daily at this time. If blank, the automatic restart is disabled.

  • Prefer Service Workers to Application Cache: When set to true j5 will use Service Workers instead of Application Cache to support off-line operation.

  • Schemes to allow for user-entered URLs: The URL schemes in this comma-separated list will be accepted. The following schemes are accepted by default: http, https, mailto, and ftp.

  • Set HTTP Only Flag: When true, the HTTP Only flag is added to the j5_session cookie. This is more secure, but is incompatible with older mobile versions. The default is False.

  • Show Broadcast Message in Navigation Bar: When true, the broadcast message is shown in the navigation bar. The default is False.

  • Size limit (number of records) of datastore for Choice fields: Determines the maximum number of records for the IndustraForm choice fields datastore, which stores database backed data.

These additional options are available for the Development installation type:

  • Allow Virtual Time: When true, you can enable a virtual time on the Server Admin page. The default is False.

  • Disable j5 Scheduler: Disables all of the scheduled tasks that are usually executed by the j5 application server. The default is False.

  • Enable Javascript Debug Mode: When true, you can use the source JS files rather than the optimized files. The default is False.

  • Active Config App: This allows you to swap between projects on the same desktop machine in the j5 IDE.