Add an organizational unit (ou) to CSR - j5 - 28.0 - Installation & Upgrade - Hexagon

j5 Installation and Upgrade

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There is no support for adding the -ou parameter to set the organizational unit when creating the CSR. However, you can generate the .csr file with the ou information included as follows:

  1. Copy the openssl template from C:\Program Files (x86)\j5\framework\packages\j5\Setup\templates\openssl.cnf.jinja2 and paste it somewhere convenient as openssl.cnf.

  2. Open openssl.cnf with a text editor, search for {{ FQDN }}, which is located under [alt_names], and replace it with your server Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN).

    For example, Additionally, you can list all your j5 Server Aliases and IP addresses in the following format:


    DNS.1 =

    DNS.2 = j5ServerHostName

    DNS.3 = localhost

    IP.1 = 11.222.333.1

    IP.2 = 11.222.333.2

  3. Run openssl with the parameters given below, where everything in the <> brackets need to be replaced with the correct values:

    "C:\Program Files (x86)\j5\framework\apache2\bin\openssl" req -new -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -sha256 -keyout <path_to_your_j5-prod.key> -config <path_to_your_openssl.cnf> -extensions v3_req -subj "/C=<country>/ST=<state>/L=<location>/O=<Organization>/OU=<Organizational Unit>/CN=<>" -days 365 -out <path_to_your_j5-prod.csr>