Assign parameters - Intergraph Smart Materials - Version 10.1 - Help - Hexagon

Intergraph Smart Materials Web Help (10.1)

Intergraph Smart Materials
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The Parameters tab displays all the parameters such as project defaults and report parameters that are assigned to the selected menu item.

  1. In the Parameters tab, click Add Row to add parameters.

  2. Type a sequence number.

  3. Select a parameter from the Parameters list.

  4. Select a default value from the Default Values list.

  5. Select Yes in Change Allowed list to enable change of default value and then click Save.

  6. Type a command in Command for reduced list of values.

    You can reference other parameters of this menu by using # sign for the application to identify references to other parameters.

    Example 1: If you have selected a commodity ID, P_COM_ID parameter, and for the parameter P_POST_ID, you want to restrict the data based on the chosen commodity ID.

    Example 2: Displaying referenced parameters regardless of the restrictions starting with WHERE or AND:

    • where post.commodity_id = #P_COM_ID# order by 1;

    • - and decode( #P_DISCIP# , '%', to_char(cr.dp_id), cr.dp_id) like #P_DISCIP#

  7. Type a command in BIR Reduced LOV Command.

This cell specifies the select-statement for LOV commands.

  1. Type a command in Command for lexical report parameter.

    This cell specifies the select-statement for lexical-parameters.