Update Provisioning details for the Enterprise Application - Intergraph Smart Cloud - Help - Hexagon

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  1. From the Azure portal, go to the enterprise application that was created.

  2. Select the Provisioning tab.

  3. Select Get Started.

  4. Select the Provisioning Mode as Automatic.

  5. In the Admin Credentials section, provide the Token URL and Secret Token.

    Provide the same Token URL and Secret Token from the Customer IDP settings section in the Smart Cloud Portal.

    Save button is enabled only after you enter data in Token URL and Secret Token fields.

  6. Under Mappings, you can map the following properties that are applicable for change:

    • Email

    • City

    • Country

    • MobilePhone

    • UserPrincipalName

    • Change of role within the same product

    • Adding a new product.

  7. Select Save.

  8. Select Test Connection.

    A message is displayed on the top right corner that the Test Connect for <enterprise application name> is successful.

  9. In the Settings section, do the following:

    • Select the checkbox for Send an email notification when a failure occurs and enter a valid email address to whom the notifications must be sent.

    • In the Scope field, select the option Sync only assigned users and Groups.

    • Change the Provisioning Status to On.

  10. Click Save.