Customer IDP configuration with Smart Cloud - Intergraph Smart Cloud - Help - Hexagon

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The onboarding functionality is enhanced to use Customer IDP where the Smart Cloud Portal provides SCIM end point and token to the customers. The customer then creates the respective groups and assigns the users to the groups. So, all the users who are added to the enterprise application are automatically provisioned in the Smart Cloud Portal.

This document explains the steps to be performed by the Customer Administrator (CA) in the Smart Cloud application and in the Azure portal to be able to fetch the customer user details and proceed for the onboarding. CA is responsible for managing Smart Cloud users in Customer Identity Provider and capture Customer IDP security Groups in Smart Cloud.

Customer IDP Integration is applicable only for SDx Operations and Projects.

By Integrating Smart Cloud through Customer IDP, you can:

  • Provide simplified and centralized user management

  • Provide one time onboarding

  • Eliminate manual errors

  • Provide seamless user experience

For troubleshooting issues related to Customer IDP, see Customer IDP Issues.